I’m sure by now you’ve all seen the mess caused by poor planning and snow in Atlanta! Hopefully it’ll soon all just be a bad memory for those poor people that have been stuck on the highway since yesterday afternoon and the kids that had to sleep in their schools last night!
Fortunately I had cancelled my doctor’s appointment and stayed home yesterday. Otherwise I would have had quite the time trying to get home!
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I’m sure all the Atlanta bloggers are showing their snow photos and those of you that have been snowed in for days and weeks are probably like who cares 🙂
I totally understand…but getting this much snow here is just amazing! Even though I’m from Up North and moved to The South to get away from snow, I forget how pretty it is when it’s fresh and clean!
We will be staying cozy inside and working on our latch hook kits and watching movies today.
It might all be gone by tomorrow afternoon.
Love your snow angel!
Enjoy the snow while you have it…we have been getting a lot of snow this year.
I thought about you when I saw the pictures of Atlanta on the news this morning.
It had to be terrible for those school kids and their parents when they could not get home!
We enjoyed it here in NC too. Love your snow angel!
I was just hearing about this on NPR. Oh how I wish we had the chance that ours might be gone by tomorrow! We have had 42-47 inches just in January this year! Still, we at least have the equipment to clear the roads and are well prepared. How awful for those stuck overnight on the road or at school! I imagine there were a lot of crying children for some poor teacher to try to soothe!
We are having extreme cold but at least no ice or snow! Thinking of you all stuck in all of that.
Stay warm.
Thought about you earlier today and was hoping you and family were not some of the ones stranded on the roads. Glad you cancelled the appointment. Stay in and stay warm!
I’m glad I cancelled it too! I hate driving in rain and I think I’ve only had to drive once in snow here.
I am just watching the evening news and saw your ice and snow! I’m so glad you are safe indoors.
It’s a big deal when it causes such troubles. Sounds as if a holiday should have been declared in advance. Your garden wears snow well.
Yep, I don’t know what’s wrong with these government officials. We had a bad snow storm in 2011 and they swore things would be different next time and I actually think it was worse.
Glad you’re staying in, safe and warm, Manuela! I see you ran out and made a snow angel though! ; )
LOL! That was my daughter! I don’t know if I would be able to get back up if I laid down in the snow 🙂
I am glad that you are safe and well and enjoying ( I have just been dismayed at the horrific hardships that I read about today down there 🙁
Thanks Debra. I think we’re all dismayed. Especially since we had a fiasco with the 2011 snow storm. So government officials should have learned from past mistakes.
Glad to hear you are safe and sound!
We got about an inch or so of snow. Still fun! I know, Northerners are like “whatever” but it does look so pretty and I just have to take photos and make the most of a snow day since it happens so rarely!
It is so pretty! It was just beautiful when it was coming down too.
Glad you’re having fun in your little bit of snow…if you really miss it after it melts, I can send you plenty! We still have at least a foot on the ground – and more coming tomorrow and Saturday. We’re pretty darn sick and tired of it in Chicagoland.
I thought about you, too – as we have been hearing about it a lot here in Memphis (there, but the grace of God go us . . .). We just got a very minimal flurry, but way way cold – down to 7 last night, only up to 23 or so yesterday. We are taking care of pets of a friend who has been in England for the past 10 days. They are supposed to fly back from London to Memphis by way of Atlanta tomorrow, so I hope there won’t be delays. My daughter that works here at the Fed Ex hub said that the only U.S. hub that had planes getting in and out last night was the Memphis hub.
Hope you are staying warm and snug, and avoiding the busted water pipes (which are the big problem here with our coldest extended period since the late 1970’s! -ours have been fine so far, thank goodness).
I haven’t been watching the news. If you only got a few inches, why did people have to sleep in their cars and children at school?
This weather is just so crazy.
We had all the windows open and walked on the beach in shorts and flip flops.
We NEED rain and hear that it is finally raining in northern California. I hope it comes south to us.
All we got was ice down here. We were supposed to get the white stuff, but we never did. My daughter in Macon is slap happy over her snow there, though.
Like you, I was raised in the north where we got enough snow to make us vomit most of the time. Still, I get a little giddy when I see it here. It’s kind of like pumpkin lattes now, something you appreciate for its limited opportunity.
Loved that snow angel picture.
Have you ever wondered who was the first person to come up with the notion to make them? That’s the kind of junk I think about…
Good analogy! All I can take is a few days of it. I’m already sick of it. I haven’t been out of the house since Saturday except to walk around the neighborhood. Even then I had to hold onto my daughter in the shady spots where it’s still iced over. Of course, she didn’t slow down at all! Oh to be young and have good knees 🙂 !
I know! It is SO pretty but we just don’t know how to deal with it:) Enjoy your day dear friend, a warm-up is on it’s way! HUGS!
Safe and warm in Macon, GA. So thankful.
Love the angel picture…
Yes, it is a very good thing you canceled that appointment!! I live in coastal SC and we got mostly ice but some snow. It is still covering the ground. I had forgotten how the white covering makes days pretty brilliant even on cloudy days (I am from the NORTH too–CT and VT). It is surprising how much I have forgotten! lol! It took me a ton of time to get all of the ice off of my car windows……not that I was planning on driving , but just in case of an emergency you know!
Always good to be prepared! Wish our state and local government believed in the same thing!
I really feel your pain for the snow. I have been watching on the news about all the problems the snow has caused down there. I must say, most people love and wish for snow but in NJ by now we are so over it!! It is just a mess and hard to get around even here at times.
Oh I remember that part! Especially when I lived in NYC and the snow plows would just plow down the middle of the road and you had to climb hills of snow on some corners to cross the street!
I can’t believe Georgia and Alabama got blitzed with so much snow. The stories I am reading are crazt!
We had our first gloomy day in probably 6 months and we savored the chilly and gray day by tucking into the house and enjoying our home.
I know it was soooooo crazy! It really was like a seen from The Walking Dead with abandoned cars, trucks and school buses on the highways! I still haven’t gone anywhere – I am getting cabin fever. It should all be gone by Saturday.
I moved to Missouri from a life in Florida – love to take pictures every time it snows. Hate ice, but the snow is beautiful.
I saw the sheets of ice you guys had!!! Amazing!