I wanted to show you two things that I got at the thriftstore recently. One thing I’ve been searching for since I re-made my faux fireplace and one thing I’ve always wanted for my garden but have never been able to find. The winner of the $25 Amazon Gift Certificate is announced at the end of this post. Thank you to all you entered!
I built out the firebox in my fireplace so I could actually put some candles in there and simulate a real fire (wishful thinking) so I’ve been looking for either a large candleholder thingie or maybe two/three that I could use together. I found this perfect one at Goodwill!
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I did see one I could have gotten at TJMaxx but it was $20+ and it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind so I passed on it.
Which is good because this fits perfectly! I need to get some short white candles for the front and I’m still looking for a mirror that will fit into the back (to reflect the candles).
Still working on the fireplace (and the living room, and the stairs, and my office, and my garden)! I wish I wasn’t always in the “before” stage with projects that I show you, but that’s real life. At least it’s my real life since I shop mostly clearance and thriftstores plus I have a limited budget. Slow is how it goes around here :)!
Guess what! I finally have a chicken! No………….really!
A concrete chicken! Oh my gosh, I have been looking and looking for a concrete chicken. I would have even paid full price for one, but I never came across one!
$8!! Squeeal! I’m sure people thought I was crazeee since I know I was grinning from ear to ear clutching my chicken. Now, of course, I want one or two other ones so I can have a “flock” (less is never more with me).
That’s it for my thrifty finds.
OK – the winner of the Amazon Gift Certificate chosen by the random number generator thing is….
#35 Dawn Gahan @ The Gahan Girls
Thanks to everyone that helped me celebrate my five years of blogging!
Your “fire” in your fireplace is awesome! Love your concrete rooster. I got mine at a concrete factory somewhere near Banks Crossing….We use to drive back and forth to Florida, and there was a factory that made, roosters, fountains, deer etc..for wholesale..they had a small store where they sold some of the piece retail.
Congratulations to the winner!
I love your thrifty finds. I have something very similar in my fireplace. I love your idea of a mirror behind it.
And the chicken is fabulous!! I unearthed an old yard chicken and one chick at my mom’s house a year or so ago. I have it inside right now, though. It was really really aged. I love it, and I really love yours.
I have a chicken like that and it sits on my kitchen counter:) It was a gift! Love your thrift find! enjoy your weekend and congrats to the lucky winner!
Congrats to the winner and congrats on your concrete chicken! And of course — if one is good, 3 or 5 are even better! Some concrete eggs laying around wouldn’t be bad either.
Congratulations to the winner!
You got some nice finds, and I like what you are doing with the fireplace.
Enjoy your weekend.
I LOVE your chicken. I have one too that has Hens & Chicks in it. I’m always in the “before” mode. Maybe I’ll make a list of things I need to do just because I pinned them. lol
Love your great finds! The candle holder will look so beautiful full of candles at night, and the chicken is so sweet in the garden:>) Congratulations tot he lucky winner of your giveaway. I didn’t enter this time because I won last time. I got the sweetest sheer dotted curtain panels for the dining room:>)
I always enjoy seeing your projects, Manuela! The chicken was a steal for sure. 🙂
Great finds! and congrats to the lucky winner!
Congrats to Dawn! Love your chicken, Manuela! Great find on the candleholder, too. Sometimes when you acquire slowly you can get what you’ve been waiting for.
Congratulations to Dawn! I love how the fireplace is looking. Can’t wait to see it in soft light with the candles burning, reflected in the mirror! I saw someone put a little strand of white lights in theirs too, and it was really gorgeous! The chicken looks like he’s found a happy home!
Love the chicken! No wonder you were squealing. And I can just see that fireplace all aglow with candlelight. It’ll be amazing!
Yay for Dawn. and that 500 is rolling toward 1000, yes? 🙂 The fireplace looks great and so does the clucky bird. 🙂 I have a hen in a metal garden display unit on the porch. I call her Henrietta! Wish I had real ones too Manuela…like I used to…I WILL AGAIN….one day. Gonna make that dream come true when the time is right. 🙂 Hugs and thanks again for the giveaway chance. Have a great weekend.
OOps! I just realized RIGHT when I POSTED comment, that it wasn’t your 500th blog (thinking of MY 500th coming up real soon)…it was your 5 years!!!!!! . let’s do this again….That fifth year you just finished is rolling towards 10 years, right? LOL! so be it! and I will enjoy reading as you pursue the goal. xoxo
The candle holder is perfect for your fireplace, I love that you will put logs on it too. The chicken is also perfect! I love it!
Congratulations to the winner!
Hugs, Cidny
Love that concrete chicken! Never thought of putting a mirror in the back of the fireplace to reflect the candles. Now I’ll have to be on the lookout for a mirror for MY fireplace! 😉
such cool finds!! especially the fireplace candle holder!!! Hey what kind of eggs will that girl lay?
I love it when I find just the PERFECT item at Goodwill or a garage sale.
Ever since my first elderly kitty died about four years ago (and her sister the next year), I’ve been looking for a concrete statue to place in the area where they are buried (under the dogwood tree, do you think they mind?).
Last fall I found just the right statue at Goodwill. I saw it still on the roll out cart and practically knocked over a few people to get to it. 🙂
It’s a little boy cuddling two kitties… awwwww.
Oh… yes, at our Goodwill they LOVE for people to take things before they get put on the shelf.
Thrifty finds are so much fun! Spring break is coming up for me and I plan to spend a day making the thrift store rounds. I live about 1.5 hours from the nearest Goodwill so I have to plan a full day. I’m anticipating some sweet treasures.
Love your firegrate redo! And what a fun rooster! Great thrifting. Thank you for sharing with us at last weeks TTF party! have a wonderful day!
I am behind! You will be seeing bunches of comments from me cos’ I gotta catch up! How did I miss these posts???
LOVE the chicken! And you definitely NEED the red one to go with this one….I wish the red one was $8….then I would have gotten it! lol
I love what you are doing with the fireplace!
Lou Cinda
I know! I was afraid you were going to say it was expensive!