Anytime is a good time to think about what you want to accomplish this year. You can begin working toward your financial goals at any time of the year not just New Year’s! I know many of you will be like my family and setting some new financial goals with this fresh start season. I will be focusing more on money management and overall frugal living this year (the reason behind that is something I’ll share in a later post). But in the mean time, check out these frugal living posts that are on this blog already that you may find useful in your journey. Maybe you missed one!
Frugal Living Posts
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Here are some of my top frugal living posts that you may have missed.
- Making A Budget Binder & A List of Where to Get Free Printable Worksheets (updated frequently)
- Disposable Products You Can DIY
- 21 Frugal Tips to Try
- How The Envelope System Works
- My Top 10 Favorite Frugal Sites
- The Basics of the Pantry Principle
- Make Your Own Liquid Hand Soap
- Home Sweet Frugal Home Series (start here)
- Blooms On A Budget
- Save Money & Make Your Own Cleaning Products
- Coupon Organization so you can actually find and use your coupons!
- Lower Your Grocery Bill Without Coupons
- 20 Free Homeschooling Printables
- Free Printable Chore Charts For Kids
Also check out my Pinterest Boards for more frugal homemaking inspiration!
What are you going to be working on this year?
You might like having a look at my Frugal Living Blog Post Category for more up to date posts
Make your own DIY Beauty Posts
You may also be interested in: 11 Dollar Store Organizing Hacks
Plan to read & take notes! Got my family on board to reduce our debt & save money, so I’m looking for any ideas that will help us out. Thanks for sharing!
Yay! It’s always easier when everyone is on the same page. We are doing the same so I hope to be able to share lots of ideas!
I enjoyed all of your posts this past year Manuela. Sending you wished for the best 2014.
You have such beautiful and practical ideas. Happy New Year and thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks Stacey. Happy New Year to you too!
I am trying to work on my “get it done” lists also (just posted). I also am one that enjoys your money saving, repurposing, etc. posts.
Hope you have enjoyed the Holidays!
Have a great weekend!!
Thank you for featuring my New Years printable. You’re the best!! 😀
Where did you get the striped 2014 budget cover page featured in the first pic of this post? I love it and must have it, but I’ve looked everywhere and cannot find a link to it. Sorry if I’m just missing it. Thanks!!!
It’s cute isn’t it! Makes me smile every time I open my budget binder. My daughter made it for me. She has an etsy shop where she sells different digital downloads. I’m not sure she put this one in her shop yet. Here’s her link, you can email her if you don’t see it.
I love being frugal but I, too, fall off the wagon but not very far. I think my husband is starting to enjoy seeing how I can save money. When it comes to groceries I have a (sorta( different view. I shop where I know everything is and where they have my favorite gluten-free items. If I go to a big store I can walk for hours trying to find what I want. I usually spend more and not get what I want. The store I shop is probably a little more expensive but other than the GF things, I always by the cheapest or on sale item that I need. We did recently get a COSCO probably 20 minutes away that I may try to go to.
I put a lot of thought in everything that I buy. I have found that I am spending less and less when I do go shopping. Yesterday I returned a toy that didn’t work….should never had bought it. I went to Target and Hobby Lobby. I spent a total of $11. That is amazing for me.
Here’s to a frugal New Year.
Oh Cosco is trouble! It has the best prices on a lot of things that we buy but it also has soooo much temptation. You really have to go there with a strong will – sort of like Target! Now I can leave Hobby Lobby having spent very little but Target is hard for me. I’m trying cash only at Target in the new year. I used to go to Target weekly and cut that into about every 3 weeks and that alone has saved quite a bit of money. I do get my RX filled there but it’s close to the checkout lanes so I just go the pharmacy or send my husband and get out!
It sure is easy to be frugal when you don’t go out much. But then the ice broke a branch from next door and took down one of the electric lines. $200. Ka-ching!
Thank you sweet Manuela! You take really good care of us and I appreciate the ideas and links! Have a blessed week ahead and a VERY happy new year! HUGS!
Definitely a fan of your blog. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the recap of what we’ve missed. 🙂
Though I rarely miss a post here (even if I don’t leave a comment), I am still going back to check those links throughout the day. I always learn so much here.
For me this year? I’m focusing on staying the course in most areas. In others, I’m planning to “erase some old tapes” and give some old things a new try.
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
With a lot of unforeseen costs that came up this month and ones that I can actually see in January, I need to scour all of these websites!!!
Happy New Year!
Hi Leann, these are posts from me. I have a frugal living category you can access at the top of the blog under the header. I do have a list of really good frugal living sites that I like here
If you’re on facebook there’s a Dave Ramsey facebook page that’s really good too.
These look like fabulous posts Manuela, and I can’t wait to check them out. I hope your reason for living frugally this year is a welcomed one in your life.
I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and your blog recently and I want to wish you all good things in the coming year.