Wouldn’t it be great to be able to stay on top of your homemaking duties, family schedules and have important info at your fingertips! A home management binder may just be the answer to keeping you organized at home! A home management notebook is typically a 3 ring binder that stores information in it that you use to run your household (and what type of information is different for everybody). The first step to using a home management binder to help you stay organized is to create one, of course! I did create one a few years ago that I shared on the blog. The tutorial is here if you’d like to see it. Keep reading to learn how to set up your own household management binder!
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I really like organizing with binders and my home management binder stores everything I need for managing my home in one convenient place. I do have a separate budget binder , a price book/meal planning binder ( I may put this info back into my home management binder), and a binder for blogging. Here’s the link to our free printables category.
You’ll be amazed at how much smoother things run when you actually sit down and gather all your information in one spot. It also makes it easier for other family members to know where important information is.
Here are some home management binder categories.
1. Cleaning Lists and Cleaning Schedules
Keep your household & seasonal cleaning lists here. This is a great way to track your own daily/weekly/monthly/seasonal chores. I have a fall cleaning schedule and an every day cleaning schedule available as free printables. Also keep a list of seasonal home maintenance that you do so you don’t miss anything.
2. A Family Calendar
One central place to have everyone’s schedule of events!
3. Important Documents
Some people like to keep copies of important family documents in their home management binder. I don’t feel comfortable keeping things like birth certificates or Social Security numbers in the binder. But health and medical info is helpful to have in the binder. As well as your family’s emergency plan.
4. Menu Plans & Food Inventories
Your home management binder is a good place for your meal plans or at least a go to list of your family’s favorite meals. It’s also a good place to keep your food inventory lists. That makes it so easy to have everything you need for meal planning right in one place. Each week when you decide it’s time to meal plan, you just go to your home management binder.
5. Chore Lists for the kids
If you use the chore list system this is a good place to keep that. You can hand out new chore assignments every week or month. However you do it. Check out 10 Free Printable Chore Charts for Kids which is a roundup I did a while ago for some great ideas.

Home Management Notebooks
6. To Do/Time Management Lists
If you don’t use a separate planner you can print out Daily To Do List, Monthly Calendars, goals list, holiday planner and bucket lists to add to your home management notebook.
7. Babysitter Information/Contact Information
One of the major reasons I love a family binder is because you can store important information such as babysitter and contact information. You know where to look if you need a list of babysitters. If the babysitter needs to contact you or other emergency phone numbers, then they know where to look. If another family member needs an important phone number they know where to look for that information.
8. Emergency/Important phone numbers
This way if a family member needs to call the gas company or soccer coach or the neighbor they know exactly where to look.
9. Some miscellaneous things you might want to have easy access to such as:
a list of birthdays, list of home projects, bible study lessons, bill paying schedule, stain removal guide, info for the school book sale, lunch schedules, car maintenance schedule, list of gift ideas etc.
10. Not a category but you may want to have Lots of Extra Folders & Dividers
One thing to keep in mind is that you will always be adding ‘something’ to your family binder. I always keep extra folders & dividers at the end, so when I do need to add something to it, it’s not a big deal.
There are many free home management binder printables on Pinterest and elsewhere online that you can use to make your homemaking binder. We have a few free printables here that you can also use to make your binder. Remember, you’re free to change up your binder however you need to customize it to fit YOUR needs. If you’d like a home mangement binder that’s all ready for you to use right now, please check out our store.
You might want to include this Homemaker’s Creed in your binder for motivation!
You may also like to have a look at my other binders:
Keeping organized these days can be tough. I know that everything in my house isn’t perfect but a home management binder is the perfect way to stay on top of things.
Tutorial Resources for How To Set Up A Home Management Binder & Free Printables
- A Bowl Full of Lemons – Binder Set Up
- Organized Home Life – 31 Days of Home Notebook Binder Printables
- Scattered Squirrel – Free Binder Printables
I don’t have a Homemaking Binder but I think I need one now that I’ve read this!
You are unbelievably organized Manuela! When can you come over to whip me into shape??
I reeeeeally need to do this! Thank you for sharing! Found you via the Frugal Friday link party!
Hi Shaylee,
Thanks for stopping by and I find having a home management binder really useful!