Hello friends! I had a jam packed Saturday and am pooped out! I’m glad it’s a rainy day and I plan on catching up with your blogs and watching a movie Clarice suggested that I just got from Netflix. Thanks so much for the mirror love! I like it so much better and yes I know there’s too much space between the couch and mirror. That’s why I plan on hanging something there. Love the suggestion of a really long sign. I’m thinking about making one!
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About Goodwill. I just want you all to know that I’ve lived in this town for 14 years and it hasn’t been until the last year or so that we’ve gotten a good thriftstore. Before that I would occasionally find something good but mostly it was junk. The same for yard sales. Which is one of the reasons I still don’t bother with yard sales in my town. But maybe they’ve changed too. So to all of you who never find anything at thriftstores, I totally understand. I’ve been there too. Hang in there, maybe things will change in your town as they have in mine! For all you Georgia ladies – the Goodwill I go to is located on South Cobb Drive & Spring Road in Smyrna.
Also, I could have bought a ton more stuff if I was just into buying things. I don’t have room to store things that I’m not going to use. Everything I purchased that day I purchased with an idea of what I wanted to do with it. If you know anything about me you know that I’m very mindful of how we spend our money. Also, I’ve been married for 20 years and never once has my husband had a problem with anything I’ve purchased. As a matter of fact, he takes pride in the way I manage to create a beautiful home and garden on his income alone and do all the other things that need doing.
Last week we had a horrible storm rip through here and fortunately we were not one of the many people who lost power or had trees fall on our house but we did sustain some damage to our storage unit (which I call “the barn” cause well, it looks like a barn and I not so secretly wish I lived on farm!)
My beautiful yellow jasmine and pink climbing rose got blown off the roof of the barn! Which is a shame because the roses are blooming and they cover the roof with pretty pink blossoms.
But it needed to have some things repaired and needed a paint job so we’ll roll with it and take the opportunity to paint the whole thing. It’ll be a fun family project!
We thought maybe a fun periwinkle blue with white or yellow trim? A neighbor of mine has the same barn and he did red with white trim and that looks sooo pretty! What do you think? Our house is white with black shutters and a red door. Should we have some fun with it or should we have it reflect the house colors?
So many things are already blooming. All the Knockout Roses (a great rose) are blooming!
My favorite tree – Redtip, is blooming with frothy white flowers!
It’s a huge tree! You can see it to the left in the picture of the barn.
That’s it for me today. I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!
Wonderful to see the blossoms in your world. I’m just happy to have some forsythia finally blooming and one crazy daffodil.
I’m sorry that your roses and jasmine got a whipping about in that storm. Glad that you’re making lemonade and I say to have fun with it! Can’t wait!
I vote for periwinkle blue!
I, too, am mindful when I shop thrift stores. We don’t have much storage and I don’t want clutter. I have to have a place for my treasures at the time I buy them, or I don’t. My husband’s aunt has a real problem with this and her house is literally a storage unit. Long, sad story, but she can’t even live in her house anymore because it’s jammed with stuff. And yet I saw her shopping Goodwill last week.
Love your flowers. LOVE your barn!
Your blossoms are so pretty and I bet smell so good too. 🙂 I think the blue on the barn would look great! Sorry about your rose and jasmine. 🙁 We’ve been busy doing some planting in our front yard and it is looking great! I started painting my rocking chairs and can’t wait to get the rest of my porch furniture freshly painted. 🙂 There are several thrift stores and Goodwills in town. I need to check them out. But, I need to take all of my Goodwill donations out there first!
butter yellow (not bright), white trim, red door… just an idea. YOur flowers are soooo pretty. Did I catch a glimpse of plates hanging on the fence… very quaint.
Good on you for making such a lovely home! It’s such a buzz when you find something special that had been pre-loved. Have a great day 🙂
I say have fun with the barn.
My subdivison is having a yard sale this week-end we are pretty big and I’m not looking at one thing beause I’m giving my little one a birthday party. I will go after the sale when people put all the stuff they didn’t sale at the end of their drive way and donate it. I could kick my self as I should have gotten two cool things last time and didn’t.
Planted my garden in my raised bed garden on Saturday, post on Tuesday.
It’s great to see your ‘blooming’ pictures. I’m patiently waiting – nothing is blooming here. It has been a lousy spring for blooms here – too dry, too cold, etc. I like the idea of a red barn to go with your red door. I know you will make the right decision on paint color. Sally
Manuela, It’s always nice to see you name in my comments! Spring has definitely sprung where you are. We’re already having summer temps here. It’s way too early for that. I find most of my treasures at estate sales. I love going to them and getting a peek into people’s houses. I guess maybe I am a little morbid because usually the people are deceased. Yikes!
I loved your description of how your husband views your homemaking! Sounds like something straight from Proverbs 31 actually! V.11 “Her husband can really trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.”! Too cool!
I read todays post and thought maybe I had offended. I meant everything quite lightly and in good spirit. It is just impressive all that you are able to create with what you find at such good prices. You have a gift for lovely and you write very well which is why I keep coming back. Apologies if I came across impolite.
We’re just starting to repair our fence and part of our yard damaged in winter storms. I’m hoping there are no huge spring storms this year.
I love red barns! However, there is a house near the University that is periwinkle blue and it’s the cutest thing.
I suppose it gets down to tradition vs. whimsy. 🙂
We’re very fortunate to have great garage sales in both of the towns near us. The Goodwill closest to me probably has good stuff for the same reason as we have great garage sales, it is an upscale college community where people buy a lot… get tired of what they buy… and donate it or sell it.
There are two other Goodwills within a short driving distance. One has been known to surprise me with wonderful finds (after lots of visits with nothing). I haven’t been to the other one.
The Mission thrift store is one of those that sometimes has something great but you’re looking through lot of stuff to find the jewels.
I LOVE your house and garden.
Manuela, I have told my husband all about you and your thrift store adventures….you have opened up an entirely new avenue for me. I never thought about thrift stores…honestly.
I am having some luck already and will surely hang in there. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
I love your home pictures and your garden pictures. You are truly an inspiration to me!
Well I vote for blue. Your garden it sooo pretty and sunny. Ohh what movie did you got ?? I can not remember what I recommended, blame it on peri-menopause xoxox Clarice
Your flowers are beautiful and will recover!
I do agree with you that some thrift stores just don’t have anything..or the prices are too high! It pays to look around and keep at it.
Your bedroom window view is just lovely!
Sorry about the wind knocking over your beautiful roses and jasmine. It will be back. Everything looks so great Manuela. You have a beautiful yard, I love it. Our thrift stores aren’t that great either. I haven’t been to one since I think late last summer. Have a great week Manuela.
Hi Manuela,
I’m sorry about your climbers but I’m sure that it’s early enough in the season for them to recover nicely. I know what you mean about not wanting to buy stuff. I have come to the conclusion that pulling all kinds of decorations out for every little holiday drives me nuts! I never am satisfied with the results anyway and I realize that I like decor that is from nature the most. Easy to store or toss after the special day. Usually I’m able to just leave it out. Such as seashells for the summer or simple fall leaves for Thanksgiving. I hope I’m not rambling too much. It’s late and I worked all weekend! ha ha
I have a great Goodwill near me, and I have to control my spending there, for sure!
If you really love something, buy it, even if it needs to be on hold for awhile. I’ll do that, and then work on projects one at a time. The times I’ve passed something by, I’ve regretted.
Your flowers are beautiful, Manuela, and paint your barn a color you will swoon over everytime you go out and look at it.
Oh no! So sorry about your roses. I imagine they were beautiful on the barn. I also want to paint our shed (to match the house maybe) but not this year. I think periwinkle would be beautiful and unexpected!
Love the flowers. I always think about buying knockout roses because they’re so low maintenence, but I think I might get some hybrid teas instead just because they’re a little better for cutting.
Oh, and about the thrift stores. I’ve found that not only do you have to hunt to find something good, you have to hunt for the right store as well!
Those flowers are so pretty! It’s a shame the storm got to some of them! Jen
I think the thing about thrift stores is that you have to keep looking! The good stuff only comes in once in a while!
I do think with GW you just never know! Some weeks when I go it’s cleaned out and other weeks there are all sorts of treasures.
I have had better luck with GW stores on the n’side of town (Buford Hwy, Sandy Springs, etc) than the one where I am (s’side of town).
Thank you for the info on the fruit tree spray! I can’t wait to check it all out.
Sorry about the storm damage. 🙁 We had one come through last night and all I could think of in the middle of the night was the little seedlings I had just planted!
Oh definitely paint the barn something fun. I'm all about red for barns but the blue and white sounds good too:>) The roses are so beautiful, I can't wait until ours bloom too!