I’m sure most of you already know this, but in case you don’t, the GFC widget (the followers thingy) is being discontinued as of March for all non-blogger blogs ( go here for the official Google announcement) . Apparently they want to promote their Google+ service (which is more like Facebook than a subscription service).
That means all the blogs on WordPress (like this one) & Typepad will no longer have the followers widget on their sidebars that allow you to subscribe to a blog’s RSS feed.
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Google is not being really clear about what is going to happen to subscribers but from what I’ve read, any blogs you’ve followed with GFC that are non-Blogger blogs will no no longer show up in your Blogger Dashboard. Supposedly they will show up in your Google Reader (but we’ll have to wait and see about that) . Maybe they’ll be more forth coming with information as we get closer to the discontinuation date.
It may be a good idea to look through the non-Blogger blogs you follow through GFC, and see if you’d still like to subscribe to them in another way. It’s a good time to do a little blog spring cleaning!
Here are some ways you can subscribe :
You can click on the “Subscribe by RSS” button on the upper right of my sidebar.
You will then get this page:
Then you can choose Google Reader or Google Homepage.
Of course you can also choose any of the other subscription services. You can also choose to have posts delivered via Email.
There’s also a Follow with Bloglovin’ button on the upper right in my sidebar.
I’m thinking of re-instating my Facebook page since I know a lot of people use that to be notified of new posts (but haven’t decided yet).
I’ve heard conflicting things about GFC and blogspot blogs. I was just told that it would end but not for a few more months and then other’s are saying it won’t end (although I have a feeling they’re going to phase it out eventually for everyone since they want everyone to sign up for Google+).
So you can either change your subscription now or wait to see what happens. I’m sure you’re going to read more and more about this in the coming months. BTW, I removed the GFC widget from my blog a few months ago.
Also, Picnik is closing April 19th! So many changes!
Sincere thanks for this information Manuela. I’m on Typepad and I had no idea. I never really cared for the Google Friend Connect concept being displayed on blogs, but it was convenient for those who subscribe to blogs that way. Thankfully, most of the blogs that I follow were subscribed to through Google Reader and not Connect. I’m off to check my list!
I never liked it either and am not sorry to see it go.
I was going to mention Picnik, Manuela. Just got that email this morning. They’re putting something together I’ll bet. It would be interesting to know what.
i am so confused on this…what is a non blogger blog? i am only a follower not a blogger and i use bloglovin.
I followed you on Bloglovin!
Just typed a comment and it disappeared !! 🙁 Trying again.
Anyway – Thanks for posting this. I am on blogger, but follower some on wordpress and typepad, so need to make a list of them so can find the best way to follow them in the future. Had planned to work on this today, but had company. So many changes going on at the same time – getting confusing.
I’ve been hearing about this! Lots of changes…
My daughter told me last night about Picnik….now I will have to find another photo editing source…
WOW, changes everywhere! I am not fond of changes:) Have a blessed day my friend! Thanks for sharing this information! HUGS!
Wow…I will bookmark this post for knowledge I may need in the future… to be very honest with you…this is ALL Greek to me….argh….I’m SOOO basic…just know enough to get by…lol. Hugs o you Manuela!!!
Well it only applies to you if you are a “follower” of a blog.
I am hoping they will keep typepad on my google reader–tried the rss thing you mentioned and told it to put you on my google reader. After all the pages you showed it had a red subscribe button on my google reader page and when I hit that it had a space for url—I didn’t fill in it so I hope I am subscribed to your blog!
Thanks this was helpful. I am on blogger but I think I will start encouraging folks to follow via email instead of gfc.
I would love for you to link this up at Bacon Time’s weekly fri-monday linky, I know a lot of folks are wondering about this topic of gfc.
To Christine A. Blogger is a blog host or platform like Typepad, WordPress, etc. So if you are a follower and not a blogger I don’t think you will have anything to worry about. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.