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I remember when I was a teenager and my Mom used to try to get me to work in her gardens and I wouldn’t have any of it. Now look at me! I spend 5 to 6 hours a day when I can, outside and there’s really nothing I like more than working in my garden! I’ve been working on so many things but I thought I’d share this easy little project with you!
Many of you know that I’ve have this plate border for a few years now but on the opposite side I just had cement edgers.
Plates as edgers won’t work in every garden but if you love cottage style gardens they’re perfect! I’ve only had one or two break in the 3 years that I’ve had them and since they’re not valuable it’s really no big deal.
I hadn’t weeded in ages so this was just a hot mess!
So this week those edgers came out and more plates went in! I weeded and added a few more perennials.
I love that Coleus so I’m propagating some cuttings so I can have more in this border.
This is my cottage garden and it’s right in front of my veggie garden!
All the plates were thrifted over the past 3 or 4 months. I did try to just get pretty ones or ones that were interesting.
Thanks for stopping by to see this garden project and be sure to visit Kimba’s blog for more garden party fun! I can’t wait to see everyone’s projects!

You might also enjoy my screened porch makeover.
“Just living is not enough,” said the butterfly. “One must have freedom, sunshine and a little flower.” – Hans Christian Andersen
I love your plate borders! You always have a great looking garden & flower beds. I am due for some weeding myself. Been putting it off!
Manuela, your garden is as lovely as the inside of your home. Thank you for sharing with us…..PS….thanks for all the great ideas for gardening on a budget…..I have been trying some out!
Wow. Plates as borders. I love it when people think outside of the box!
How charming! I love your plate border and your flowers are beautiful! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your pretty garden.
Thanks for visiting. I saw a couple people in the Christmas section, but don't know if they were buying.
Love your garden! It's fabulous – especially those sweet plates lining it.
Beautiful! I love the idea of using plates as a border. Pure genius!
Wow that is such a great idea. Wish I could use it but with my 13 and 10 yr old doing the mowing, I am afraid what would happen to them. Maybe I will pic a little spot somewhere to try it out. I should have some spot considering all the work we have been doing lately.
The plate border is just wonderful!!! Your garden is a dream!!! Ugh…I hate weeding!!!
Manuela, I love your cottage garden. How beautiful the plates too. Yes I too have to weed my small vegetable garden. My husband weeds the BIG garden out in back. I love that your cottage garden is next to your veggie garden and gardening is so much fun. I think that when you garden you feel your mom right there with you. Take care.
I saw a plate border in a magazine years ago, and the idea has stuck in my head ever since. It's so sweet! I love yours. 🙂
I absolutely love your plate border!!! Your garden is beautiful.
those plates are such a fun idea! my back, and front, yard are a mess. I need all the inspiration I can get!
I have seen that idea before somewhere and loved it. Yours looks so adorable and makes me want to do it too! I am going to have to look around my backyard and see what I can come up with. I might should wait until my son is older (he's 2) 'cause I can just see him pulling all the plates out of the ground! Have a great day Manuela!
everything is gorgeous. love the plate border too!
The plate border looks so good. I love a good cottage garden! It looks lovely in front of you veggie garden. As always your flowers look sooo good. We have been working on a few projects around here and I hope to have something to share in another week or two!
Have a lovely Wednesday!
What a beautiful garden! Cool idea using plates as your border.
Your plate edgers are absolutely adorable!
Those plates are such a cute idea! EVerything looks great!
So adorable…wish I could put some in to line my borders but I know my husband wouldn't be that careful with the weed wacker! lol
Have a great day in your garden!
I just love your plate border. I'm going to have to find a place for this. It's just too unique and cute!
Love it! It all looks great!
Love your plate border, wish it would work in my yard.
How is your vegetable garden doing mine is not looking to hot. Think I need to fertilize it. What do you use?
It's all so lovely! I wish you would come over and show me what to do in my yard!!
These are great! You found all these plates at thrift stores? You must have some good thrift stores.
I like coleus, too. Could you tell us how you propagate it?
Amazing! I LOVE IT! I am so going to try this! 🙂 Your garden is gorgeous, and I love the cottage look you have in it! 🙂 I smiled when I read about you not wanting to garden when you were a kid, but now you love it! I used to hate it when my mom would make me weed, but now I enjoy working in the yard! It's the same with sewing…do you ever wish you could go back and learn all the things you didn't want to learn when you were a kid? I sure do! 🙂
I hope you have a great day! 🙂
So beautiful! I have never seen a plate border like that. Love your ideas!
I came across your blog quite awhile ago (can't even remember how I found it now), and have enjoyed reading all your posts. You have such a talent for making things beautiful without an extravagant budget. I absolutely love the plate border! What a creative idea! Thanks for sharing your talents and ideas!
I LOVE the plate on either side of the entrance they just seem to beckon you in….. In my mind the plates are the most stunning border in the garden…… I think you have more then me….. Just beautiful….
What beautiful gardens you have Manuela! And I love the plate borders!!!! 🙂
I'm in love with your plate borders. My hubby is the one who does our gardening. I can't stand dirt on my hands. Gives me the heebie jeebies. So I'm lucky my hubby likes to garden or we would have nothing but dirt & weeds.
I have always been in love with your gardens, Manuela. Really beautiful. I can tell what a labor of love they are for you.
I love your plate border in the garden! So pretty!!
wow, I totally dig your plate border. I don't think I could pull it off yet but with a little more yard investment may later. CUTE.
Hi Manuela,
Love the plate borders!!
I wish I had more extra time to work in my garden.
Too busy making crowns!
Have a great afternoon,
It's just too dang hard to dig a trench in Ohio clay dirt to put pretty plates!!!LOL Manuela, your cottage garden is just adorable. You're pretty lucky to have good weather to grow all that good stuff, too. My little brown thumb is a tad bit jealous… I have to depend on generous neighbors or friends to feel sorry for me and give me veggies. Of course, I pay them back in kind- I decorate for them. tee hee wonder who's really getting the better deal? hugs, Sue
It is just all so pretty. I always love to see your plate border and them hanging on the fence.
I was the same way growing up, but now I love the garden. It has seemed to be on the back burner for the past so many years, but now that my kids are older, I am enjoying it again.
Your yard is beautiful! I love hydrangeas too, they are also my favorite! Jackie
Oh I love your gardens and flowers the hydrangeas are gorgeous, and girl, that plate boarder is adorable!!! love that idea! Nancy
Cute, Cute, Cute, Cute CUTE! Of course you know if I visit, you might be missing a few of those plates…for my mosaics 🙂
Loved the plate border! I remember seeing your first one and thinking, "Now, that's clever". My husband is the gardener in our family – I just enjoy looking and eating. We are knee deep in green peas right now. Yum. Sally
I love your plate borders! I have a few plates 'planted' in my flower beds at home. I hadn't collected enough to make a whole border yet so I just planted them in some blank spots. Hopefully by this time next year I will have a new flower bed to plant plates in!
Wonderful plate edges…so charming and I also like the platters on the fence. And that coleus has such rich, deep colors…I'd love to have some in my garden now that I see yours.
Your garden is beautiful…I, too, have plate borders and I think they are so pretty…
Is there no end to weeding? Seems like I never get through…
Hi… I'm flying from garden to garden enjoying every minute of it…. such pretty place to be… 😉 and nice meeting you!
Fairy Cielo
I love the plates! And seeing how well your coleus is doing has convinced me to take mine out of the container and into the ground. I want to see them reach their full potential — they're so lovely.
Your garden is so pretty. We have been building up our borders this year and they are now four times their original size. I love the plate edging and am thinking about doing something similar. I do like your Coleus, my Nana had one indoors for years and I couldn't count the number of cutting she had of it.
I have a post today about a very special plant – I would love you to read it.
Hi Manuela, your garden looks wonderful….so pretty and healthy. I love that plate border….now, that is cool.
I could sit out there with a magazine and a tall glass of iced tea and be very happy!
Incredible border. Love your gardens.
What a great idea to do plate borders for your beautiful beds!
What a sweet idea! Although between my children and animals, I could see a lot of broken plates at my house!!!
I love those plate borders and as usual your yard is amazing! Jen
Love your borders. Another fabulous way to use plates. The coleus is gorgeous. Mimi
It's really nice and a very good idea. I never saw here a garden with plates as a fence!
So beautiful Manuela! I love the plates, gates and trellises. Just perfect. The only thing is you are making me covet 🙂
Have a wonderful day and as always thanks so much for sharing!
What a beautiful garden. I Love the plates. I am impressed, I tried that and they all seam to get knocked over and broken xoxox
Hi Manuela
I think I'd be tempted to use some of those plates inside. They look pretty nice. It makes for a wonderful country garden look.
Hugs, Rhondi
ooooh – your plate borders are just perfect! I hope mine "grow" to be like yours one day!! Love your garden Manuela – but I always love what you create.
I LOVE your garden and the plates. 🙂
Sooooo cute! Love this look…so cottage perfect. cherry
Hi Manuela,
I just wanted to let you know that you have been tagged! 🙂
Oh Manuela, your cottage garden is just picture perfect. I love the plates, but I would have a hard time parting with some of them. They look so pretty. Put a whole different spin on tabelscaping :)What are the basic planting for a cottage garden?
I enjoyed catching up on your blog today. Have missed stopping in.
Oh, I loooove blue hydrangea! They are my favorite flower. The plate idea is just great. I would love that in my own yard, but we share the landscaping with my in-laws and I'm not sure they would "get it". They are very traditional.
This border is great! Do you think saucers would work for a smaller scale garden? Also, stop by my blog…I added a planter to the top of that thing I painted that you liked…let me know if the planter looks good.
So pretty! I love your daylillies. I have some in similar colors.
And that plate border. Brilliant!
Love your plate dish border. When I went garage sales, I remembered your plate border, its more beautiful seeing it all! I bought plates thinking I was going to start saving them for a border, they are on my table today. lol Love the fence for the blueberries. I just wish mine would not die every year! I may root some this year! I love them so much and $3.00 for a tiny cup is too much in the grocery!
Love it.. what a sweet idea with the plates. I saw this in a magazine just recently but it looks great in yours.
I love your plate borders! I think your gardens have to be the prettiest spaces…even WITH weeds!
Isn't it awful how quickly those pesky things take hold! We did some weeding last week and today I spied 10 big weeds in the exact spot I weeded last Friday! How did they get so big!! ACK!
What a great idea to use plates to edge a garden bed! It looks lovely!