Hi everyone! So far I got my herbs planted and then decided to make a little sign for that container. I’ll do the tutorial on sign making at the end since so many of you have seen me do it before.
I planted my herbs in a large container on my deck, right outside my kitchen window.
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It’s more convenient to have them right by the kitchen as I can just pop outside to cut some fresh herbs when I need them.
I have basil and sage. I also have quite a lot of basil in my veggie garden but that’s for making pesto.
Two parsleys – flat and curly.
Oregano and thyme.
I have separate container that has rosemary in it. I’ve had this same rosemary plant for about five years. It doesn’t look too good this year probably due to all the below freezing days we had during the winter. Usually our winters are mild. Yes, that’s the edge of my husbands big ol’ grill!
I have some French Lavender in a pot. Smells so divine!
I also added some flowers since I can see this area when I sit on my windowseat in the kitchen. The blue pot is from Home Depot – $8! They come in fantastic colors!
A little bird bath. I love to sit in the kitchen and look out to see the birds splashing about! I have a few more containers to plant for my deck and then that’s done.
How to make a hand lettered sign
This is the way I make all my signs and also the way I paint words on walls. I usually just paint over a sign I already have. But in this case I didn’t have one so I bought one at Michaels for $4.99 – something about a Queen Bee Gardening was on it.
I primed it with some spray primer and then I just painted it green with some craft paint.
I then decided on the size I wanted my word to be and using Wordpad printed out the word “Herb” at 160 and used the Georgia font. To change the font size you just delete whatever is there and type in the size you want and hit enter.
Then you need some graphite paper or you can go over the back of your word with a pencil, charcoal or crayon. This is so that it will transfer.
Lay your word where you want it and take a dull pencil and trace around the outside of the letter.
You should then have this.
I took a paint pen and went around the outside of each letter and then came back in and filled it in. You can use a brush and any type of paint if you have a steady hand. I find paint pens (Michael’s/Hob Lob etc.) easier to use.
There you have it! When I have more time I’ll either paint or maybe stamp a picture of a herb on the sides to dress it up a bit. Then I’ll use some sealer to protect it since it’s outside.
Give it a try – it’s really easy as long as you you pick a pretty straight forward font. I’m sure if you look around you probably have a sign at home already that you may be tired of. Give it a new life.
As always, you can either spend the money and buy something or you can spend the time and make something. Neither is right or wrong. I just happen to think it’s more fun to make stuff if I can!
O.K. back to painting that halltree – red takes a lot of coats!
My husband just bought me two sets of the punch alphabet stamps for mothers day. Well, that and a hole saw set for my power drill. What can I say? I'm a weird girl. Anyways, I just made a set of those spoon markers for my herbs. I love them, but mine are a little too faint. I need to hit them harder I think.
I would love to make a set of plant markers like yours..really need, someday, to get the letter punches..your sign is perfect, and i like paint pens for signs too…less waviness than with a brush..your pictures are, as per usual, wonderful..happy gardening!
I'm going home after work to plant my herb garden. I found some wonderful markers at a shop the other day but I sure like your spoons. Love the sign I must stop on the way home and see if I can find one to paint!
That was so helpful. I plan on making some signs very soon – since I mowed over a newly planted perennial (yikes). Thanks for showing how it's done.
Everything looks so lovely!!! Thanks for the tutorial!
Oh my! I'm always running into little signs with nice shapes and I even have some here. It never dawned on my to "change the sign." And that's why you're the clever one. I looked at that rock in your birdbath for some time before I realized that it wasn't the biggest slug I'd ever seen. ;> Thanks for all the information!
Hi Manuela- fun to read your post today~ I am planning to make an herb container garden and now I have some inspiration! Thanks!
Looks great! You've got my mind working now…what do I have around here that could be a sign?
I planted herbs along with tomatoes and peppers this year. Can't wait to see what happens!
Hello Manuela! What a lovely way to keep herbs near to the kitchen and I love the little sign that you made. Great tutorial by the way and I'll have to try that one of these days. Have a wonderful day….Maura:)
Lovely. I just planted a herb garden! Can't wait for a few more weeks … Great post!
Your herbs look fabulous. Do you need to give them fertilizer or plant additive like Miracle Grow? I tired cilantro one year because I use so much of it in my cooking, and it just got gangly and didn't taste good. I wonder what I did wrong?
The sign is adorable and you make it look so easy to make.
Loved it all, Herbie!
Manuela, can't wait to see how the hall tree turns out.
Thank you so much for the tutorial on sign painting. You make it sound easy enough that even I can do it.
Now, tell us how you stamped the words onto spoons.
Haven't found the metal stamp alphabet yet. Your post is wonderful and all your pots look gorgeous. I still have two weeks till a no-frost date so I am enjoying everyone else's containers. Blessings Meg
Your herbs and flowers look so fresh and lovely, and I love that turquoise pot.
Thanks for the tutorial. I usually hand paint my signs but I like your idea better.
Lovely photos and thank YOU for the instructions, sugar. Just beautiful, chickee…
There is nothing like having fresh herbs when cooking. It can take something simple and make it xoxox Clarice
Can you please share how to do the spoon herb markers?! LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
Oh, what a fun post! Your kitchen garden are so healthy and beautiful! The sign is fantastic and I'm so thankful you shared how to make it! My dh and I have been talking of putting up different signs in our garden ("potato patch" etc…) and it would be very fun to try some like this. Have a lovely day! ~Janice~
Oh, what a fun post! Your kitchen garden are so healthy and beautiful! The sign is fantastic and I'm so thankful you shared how to make it! My dh and I have been talking of putting up different signs in our garden ("potato patch" etc…) and it would be very fun to try some like this. Have a lovely day! ~Janice~
Herbs are looking very cute here!
I love your herb container garden. Cute sign and I love your spoon markers. As always I just LOVE seeing your beautiful plants and gardens….it is all soooo pretty.♥
That looks great and thanks for the tutorial. I need to plant some herbs they are so expensive for a tiny package in the grocery store.
Hi Manuela!
Your potted herbs and signs are so pretty and practical. I typically plant herbs in the garden, but like the idea of potting some up to keep closer to the kitchen ~ thanX for the great tip! The stamped spoon markers are adorable too.
Thank you Manuela, for showing us how! Nancy
Tou have some healthy looking container gardens. What is your secret to growing Rosemary? I manage to kill every plant I have had within a short time. Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
Thanks for sharing your ideas! Your flowers and containers are beautiful! ♥
Thanks for the sign tutorial. What a great idea!
Hi Manuela. I see everything is going good and that certainly is good to know. Herbs are one of my passions. I really like the way you have yours there readily available. This year I have my herbs right outside my backdoor. My kitchen leads to the washroom and the washroom leads to the back door where I go down three steps and walk a few feet and my herbs are in pots waiting for me too. 🙂 Take care and I always love your posts. Have a great Thursday.
That is so nice..love the signs! I bet it smells so good out there too! I love to see plants freshly watered and it smells nice too! Come say hi 😀
I just bought some herbs and vegtables today to plant! I can't wait! I love your spoon signs! Where did you get those? And I love the way you made the sign! I need to try my hand at this! SO much fun! 🙂
ps- I LOVE window seats! I have to go look in your back posts to find it now!!!
Fresh herbs right at your kitchen door… could there be anything better? I love all of the variety and personality you have added to make it something you can enjoy so much.
Wonderful herb garden, Manuela. I love the spoon markers! We have a few herbs, in pots, on the back porch and down the steps. I love the handyness of having them right outside the door.
What a great blog you have! I just became a follower. Love your herb garden.
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
How pretty all your herb pots look Manuela! Your are right Rosemary smells amazing. We have a huge bush planted by the garage and the fence. I'm not sure what to do with it since it is so large now. I don't like the idea of digging it up but I have no idea how to prune it. Any ideas? Does it hurt it to cut it way down?
Love the green sign too!
~Melissa 🙂
You do everything so beautifully. I tend to be a bit slap dash. I like to set things up but it takes me a bit more effort to make them pretty. I have to work on that. You inspire me.Painting is not something I do, but I want to start. I just need to do it. We are still having rain and cool temps so haven't been working in the garden much. I love the frog in the pot. Have you shown how you do the spoons? Linda
So pretty!!!! I love it all…..it makes me feel better just to look at these gorgeous pictures.
Barb ♥
Hi Manuela! Oh, your little herbs look so nice and how great to have them at a handy spot. Now your little sign is so nice! You're really good at everything.
be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
LOVE your herbal garden! I love doing herbs in pots! Cute signs too. Have a wonderful weekend!
It is sooo weird seeing my name on another person's blog!
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment (you are the first Manuela I've ever met–the name is far more common when you're in Europe 😉
Beautiful blog 🙂
Hi Manuela, wanted to tell you that the Britcoms are the Good Neighbors (The Good Life in England…I'd had those for a while and love them), Keeping Up Appearances and my new favorite…Are You Being Served! It is completely fun and silly and makes me laugh. I want Ever Decreasing Circles but it is no longer being offered.
You are truly an amazing inspiration to me! You seem to find more hours in the day than I do. And you think up such wonderful things to do to decorate! (I think you just utilize your time in a more organized fashion.)
What a great idea to re-paint signs. I'm going to have to take a look around and see what I have that I could try this on. Thanks for the tutorial.
Having herbs right outside the kitchen door is great when you want to run out there and snip some to add to dinner. I have a little herb garden right outside my kitchen door and enjoy it immensely. I love your blue pot and also the big polka dotted teacup. Very cute!
Really cute idea. Did you make the spoon markers? I love them! Aren't herb gardens great – I think basil is my favorite.
Manuela, I always love coming over to see what you're doing in the garden and in your home. I picked up a few herb plants yesterday and will put them in small pots outside my kitchen door. I hope my brown thumb doesn't kill them. LOL Cute little sign to accent all your colorful pots and plants on the deck!
hugs, Sue