Not only are placemats inexpensive but often they are made from beautiful materials. They are really a great resource for any budget decorator and you’ll be amazed at all the ways you can repurpose placemats!
Cute Things You Can Make From Placemats
- Home Decor. Beautiful projects to fill your home with beauty. Take a simple and cheap placemat and make something beautiful! I can’t wait to make some seasonal items on a budget.
- Organization. Creative repurpose to help organize your crafts or hobbies.
- Frugal. Inexpensive yet beautiful DIY projects using dollar store placemats. This is right up my alley!
1. How to Make a Pillow Out of a Place Mat
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This is such an easy way to make a decorative throw pillow and a great way to use those single placemats that you can always find on clearance. See the tutorial at Practical Whimsy Designs.
2. Crochet Storage
For those of you who crochet, this handy needle roll will be the perfect placemat repurpose for you by CraftBits.
3. Dresser Makeover
Wow! This dresser makeover using placemats is so stunning from Hometalk.
4. Outdoor Flags
You can even make seasonal outdoor flags using placemats like this one from Pretty Handy Girl (she has winter and Valentine’s Day flags as well)
5. Backsplash
I think this idea is amazing! A backsplash made from plastic placemats! It looks really good, and I imagine is easy to clean. Perfect for a temporary fix. See the tutorial at Ashley Rowhome.
6. Clock
This amazing work of art took a round beaded placemat and upcycled it into a breathtaking clock by Hometalk.
7. Clutch
Another cute gift idea is to make a clutch from a placemat – from Jennifer Perkins
8. Coasters
These coasters are made from placemats – see the tutorial at Craftionary
9. DIY Art
If you find a pretty placemat, you can frame it for some easy DIY art like this one from Thrifty Decor Chick
10. Area Rug
A placemat area rug would add a little extra flair to your living room, and it is so easy to create from Hometalk.
11. Bedside Caddy
Here’s a bedside caddy you can make from 2 placemats via Instructables
12. Vase
You can take some bamboo placemats and make these vases from In This Life
13. Wall Caddy
Hot Pocket wall caddy with keep you organized and well as trendy from Running With Sisters.
14. Pillow
I’m including this pillow even though it’s not made from a placemat. Instead, I used a table runner! You can see more photos here A Cultivated Nest Making My Kitchen More Summery
15. Purse
This placemat purse is simply an adorable inspiration from Craft Goodies.
16. Framed Dollar Tree Rooster Placemat
This quick and easy Rooster Placemat Wall Hanging by Petticoat Junktion will stand out in your kitchen.
17. Upcycle A Placemat Into A Basket
Seam Whisperer remakes old Placemats Into A Basket which is beautiful but useful as well for holding small household items.
18. DIY Placemat Wall Decor
I absolutely love the bold look of these placemats as a wall hanging for a bedroom wall by Navage Patch.
19. Placemat Pillow Shams
Designed Decor alters placemats into charming country pillow shams for the guest room.
20. Placemat To Planter
What an eye-catching idea designed to repurpose a placemat into a planter. This project can be found at Hometalk.
Hope you found some inspiration!
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We saw gorgeous metallic style place mats at a gift shop in Saugatuck, Michigan. They were so expensive, up close to $20.00 each. But now I can see what I could have done with just one of them!
I love the pillows and your table runner pillow the best of all. I have seen some wonderful reversible ones with contrasting sides in a little store near here. I need to go see if they have any that would work here for pillows. Of course, with my luck they won’t be selling any any more.
Lots of great ideas, Manuela! I’ve made pillows from placemats. Clever to use the plastic ones as a back splash. That would be great for an apartment. I also like the clutch. I’ll have to check out that post.
Great ideas Manuela! I see several that I would like to try:) Sending HUGS your way!
So many great ideas. I am another one that has made the decorative pillows.
Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
Very good ideas. I have used placemats for many things…especially those quilted ones…make them over to wall-hangings and tea cozies. Those are pedestrian ideas, though, compared to these.
I am so pleased to see placemats used as back splash in the kitchen. Mentally calculating how many I shall need…
Yes, I thought it was a fabulous idea! There was another kitchen I found that also used placemats and they didn’t take them all the way to the bottom of the cabinets. Search on pinterest and I’m sure you’ll find that one.
My goodness Manuela! You’ve managed to cultivate some amazing ideas here! The backsplash caught my eye because I had those placemats recently but when we consolidated two households into one I parted with them.
Thank you as always for the inspirationa!