I have room for several new raised beds in my kitchen garden area since my daughter and I expanded the veggie garden fence this summer. Normally we make our own raised beds from pine boards (see my tutorial on How To Build A Raised Bed).
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But I was recently able to get the last two clearanced cedar raised bed kits at Lowe’s a few weeks ago and put one together by myself. It was so easy! All it took was a screwdriver and some wood glue (optional).
I stopped planting a fall vegetable garden a few years ago but wanted to give it a try again. I really want to see how much I can keep growing through fall and winter.
I like this bed because it has the attached trellis. See my little patio area. I can’t tell you how much I’ve already enjoyed having this seating area. Really, everyone should have some place to sit in their veggie garden. Not only to rest but just to enjoy your efforts! Any chair or bench will do.
Besides all the big black fuzzy bees, I enjoyed this creature flying around the other day. It really seemed to like all the yellow and orange flowers in the veggie garden!
What am I growing so far? Well, I planted broccoli, cabbage, and kohlrabi starts so far. I interplanted swiss chard, leaf lettuce and spinach seeds in this bed.
I don’t know if I like these square beds as much as my narrower longer beds. I’m 5’4″ and it’s a stretch to reach into the center of this bed. This is a good size if you do Square Foot Gardening. I have one more to put together and plant. But I think I’ll make all the other new beds the same size as my old ones.
I do still have a few things going from summer. I have a second planting of bush beans and a few cherry tomatoes that are still producing. Growing the cherry tomatoes on an arbor worked really well. I will do that again next year.
I have a few bell peppers still going although they’re getting small.
The morning glories are at the end of their bloom and I left one giant sunflower head in the garden.
Isn’t it huge!
There’s still so much to do in my kitchen garden – cleaning up the summer beds (cover crop or no cover crop?), building new beds, planting more fall vegetables, removing sod, mulching the pathways, planning the spring garden….there’s really very little “down time” gardening in Georgia!
That’s one of the reasons I love living here!
Are you planting a fall/winter vegetable garden? What do you grow?
How lovely! My husband built two cedar raised beds for me as an anniversary present this month. I’m planning on planting chard, kale, red oak leaf lettuce, spinach and arugula for the Fall. I tried broccoli and cauliflower last Fall, but my plants were eaten by cabbage worms.
Mary Ellen
The Working Home Keeper
Your garden looks great! I have planted some yellow beans, peas and lettuce for my cold weather crops. I still have butternut squash, cherry tomatoes, onions and leeks growing, as well as my herbs. It gets too cold here in the winter to grow anything, except my garlic that I plant the beginning of October for summer harvest.
Oh, if I were moved, I could take advantage of a sale like that. I want my SIL to build some raised beds for me come spring.
I love your new fall beds. I have had a horrible summer of gardening. For one, my daughter moved out of state, two, I am finishing my coursework for my doctorate and still fighting the effects of lupus. I tell you, I am full of excuses! I am going to really enjoy looking at your pictures!
I always intend to do a fall garden and then it slips to a low point on my “to do” list when I go back to school and it doesn’t happen. I did plant a bit of spinach last weekend and hope that I’ll soon have some to harvest. Your new beds looks great and I hope that they give you many veggies to enjoy.
The Fall garden looks good.
That little cedar bed from Lowe’s is a nice size and great with the trellis attached.
Hope you have great success with your fall garden. We’re trying one also.
Oh, I love your new raised beds! Next spring, I am definitely going to make a couple of raised beds for my garden…And how fun that living in Georgia allows you to enjoy your gardens most of the year! I wish it were like that here in the Seattle area, but alas, it is not!
Okay, and I feel a little embarrassed by this, but I actually didn’t know you could plant vegetables in the fall. Is it like this in every zone, or just the south? Just curious!
I noticed you had changed the name of your blog, and remedied this on my sidebar! I had the right link, but the wrong name on my blog! 🙂
I hope you have a lovely day!
Thanks for changing the blog name!
I think almost everyone can plant a fall veggie garden. There are lots of cold hardy veggies. Of course in colder climates you will at some point have to protect your veggies with some sort of covering. If you notice in my fall/winter bed I’ve installed hoops which will be covered with garden fabric that provides frost protection.
Eliot Coleman’s “The Winter Harvest” is a good book to read about techniques that prolong production.
I agree with you about the raised beds. I like your long narrow ones.
This year I have a few vegies in containers. Here on the barrier island it is much easier to use containers, but I’m going to think about your raised beds.
I’ve got a white eggplant, a bell pepper, a Better Bush tomato, a zucchini, and some collards in the 5 gallon buckets. In my long “window box” planter I put in leaf lettuce seeds, and I have two smaller window box planters with red radishes. We decided to start off small. Fall and winter are the growing seasons here. Spring is too buggy and summer is too hot.
Good luck with your wonderful garden, and please keep posting pictures. I love seeing and being inspired by your projects.
I wish it were warm enough here for a fall garden! It seems we went from summer straight to October weather! Good luck with your lovely garden!
I love your new raised beds! You have inspired me to plant a fall garden too.
Susan and Bentley
My in-laws have raised beds and would never go back to regular gardening! It’s so much easier! We don’t garden but looking at your pictures makes me wish I did! 🙂
You know, I have a few empty beds sitting there all exhausted from the summer drought. Maybe AIl jump on the fall garden wagon and give it a try.
I’m going to look for those raised bed kits! Our turnips & mustard are coming up. We should be digging sweet potatoes when the greens are ready. Can’t wait!
Your garden looks great. I put in some square beds in this year and love them for lettuce. Clarice
Your fall garden pictures have encouraged me! I’m working on a fall garden for the first time this year and I’m hoping it will produce a few things for us – – broccoli, cauliflower, beets, collards and acorn squash. I wonder if it’s too late to start lettuces
The pictures of your garden show your attention to detail. I love fall gardens – and fall, although I’m not quite ready to let summer go. I planted our fall garden last week with broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach and chard. Thanks for the opportunity to share.
I need to get over to Lowes. We’ve had broccoli all summer, in fact we had some from our garden tonight. I thought it would flower when it got hot, but I must’ve picked up a heat tolerant variety, because it’s continued to produce.
It sounds like you’ll be busy with your wonderful garden!
I’ve always wanted to try the “square foot gardening” concept. I need to check out Lowe’s for the raised beds. Your blog has so much useful information and is gorgeous to look at, too.