Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I’m taking a little break. Right now I’m in FAFSA hell (college financial aid), I have to get my raised beds ready for planting plus I’m still working on my closet (just bought a little chandy for it) and I’m taking apart our pond and trying to design a new one, plus a million other things. I’m feeling tired and overwhelmed and need to step back on blogging for a bit until I get all these other things under control. Hopefully a week or so of hard work will do the trick. I’m looking forward to it!
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Just wanted you to know so that no one would worry if I didn’t post in a while! You can alway look through the archives while I’m gone.~smile
See you all in a week or so!
Hi Manuela,
We just went through the whole college application process for the first time last year. Our daughter applied as an art major. I thought I remember you mentioning before that yours was interested in art as well. Good luck with everything! – Julie
Sounds like you will be a busy one! Take care, can't wait to see all your projects when they are completed. Try to have some fun while doing them!
Good luck Manuella. They dont make it easy! We've been through it several times and will have to again next year.
Love the peek at your porch- it's so charming, just like the rest of your home.
We just went through all of that FASFA fun! Our son begins college this fall, and it looks like with some scholarships he'll not have that much debt for year one…
We are definitely taking it one year at a time.
Those forms made my head swim. Plus, I am just not that organized when it comes to paperwork. IT took me about a week to gather up all the info needed for the 'easy' online application.
Here's hoping you make it through!
Sending you blessings and love…have fun with all of that, can't wait til you come back! 😀
I know all about FAFSA! We've been going through the same thing. Take your time and get caught up so when you come back to blogging it will be a joy and not a chore.
Ahh yes — remember FASFA well. Good luck–hope she gets what she needs so she can go where she wants. I'll have fun browsing through the old posts. See ya soon!
Take a deep breath and enjoy your time away. We are doing the whole finacial aid thing as well with my stepdaughter heading to college in the The first year is the owrst though, so it should be easier next year. We are taking advantage of the warmth (and the sun!) this weekend to get a lot of yard work done also. I can wait to see your gardens come together!
Have a great week!
Good luck on finishing your projects.
Enjoy your break!
Enjoy your time off- looking forward to your return!♥
Well even a week away and you shall be missed, but I know a little about FAFSA hell and you've got it pretty much figured out that it is indeed a pain. I'll be thinking of you. Looking forward to what you'll share on the other side of your blogging break…it doesn't sound like a break in any other way. Take care…
Been there with FAFSA. So far this year, it SEEMS to have been fairly easy but it was awful our first year.
We can't plant much until around Mother's Day but I plan to start some cool weather items before that and just cover them if we get a frost (will still be April, though).
Will keep you in prayer this week! 🙂
Good luck Manuela! Hope it all goes smoothly with positive results all round. Take a little time out for yourself as well though ;o)
Look forward to seeing the results of your labours.
Just finished my FAFSA application today. So glad to have gotten that out of the way. All the comments, though, are scaring me. Is it just the application that's a pain, or is the fulfillment of it a nightmare????
Oh, I understand…..spring break for us meant shoulder surgery for my son, with many other items on the list, as well as trying to do yard work and house work…it's all so overwhelming. I'm not blogging much either;just taking a break and catching up on a few friends. We are done with college apps, now we have to decide!!! Accckkkkk!!!!!!
Enjoy your break. You'll come back renewed and refreshed. We all need to step back sometimes.
Bless your heart. Been there, with 3 daughters. Thank goodness the last is midway through college and we can almost sit back and count our blessings with their educations.
Enjoy your busy spring. We will be here when you have more time. Big Hugs to you.
Please, FAFSA! Nice to hear your weather is such that you can get outside and start some stuff. I can't wait. I've been making lists in my head of plants/flowers I want to get and how I'm doing some pots this year.
Hello, my name is Lou Cinda and I am your room mate in FAFSA hell!!!
I have done mine, BUT Seth tells me today he wants to transfer to the University of Alabama!! I just stared at him!!
How many kidneys can I sell on ebay to get this kid through college!!!
Lou Cinda 🙂
Have a good break and hope you have fun and get a lot accomplished!
Have a nice blog break Manuela. We are doing some spring cleaning here too.
I like that red mirror. I'm sure there are a lot of amazing posts on your blog that I haven't read yet. I'll look forward to seeing what you are up to. Linda
Sounds like your plate is full… have fun with all your great projects… we will be missing you… enjoy your time….. hope to see some photos…
I've been navigating those waters myself since going back to school last semester … not fun! Take care and I look forward to your next post whenever that may be!
Enjoy your break from blogging –
We'll be here when you get back to see what you've been up to in that closet…
Went through 2 or 3 years of the FASFA with older daughter. I was so glad when she was old enough that we did not have to be included anymore and she could just do it for herself. Yech! Have fun with all your projects!
Hi Manuela, work hard, be happy. See you when you return.
Barb 🙂
I'm going to miss you while you are away!
Thank you for your kind posting on my blog the other day.
I hate FAfSA, every year we drag our feet but the sooner it's done the better. I am still lingering in a blog break, not getting nearly everything done that I would like but still so busy! Enjoy your time off, I think a lot of people are taking a breather right now.
Life does get busy, Manuela. We'll be here when you get back!
Enjoy your break!!!
Good luck with your projects Manuela. It is nice to take a break and recharge.
Good luck with all your projects – especially the financial aid. My next couple of weeks sound a lot like yours – studio redo, make some raised beds, finish cleaning up the winter detritus, etc., etc.
I hope you enjoy your time working on everything and I hope the weather stays wonderful for you too.
Love seeing spring blooming at your place! Come over when you can and join us for Bloomin' Tuesday. Don't forget to take some time for you to 'stop and smell the flowers' during this busy time! Jean
Oh the joys of when the kids get older. Be good to yourself this weekend xoxox Clarice
Hi Manuella,
Fairly new to your blog – I love your creativity. I wanted to let you know I have started sewing again after being away from it for many years and really changing things around the house because of your inspiration. Enjoy your break, but I will look forward to reading your blog soon.
Thank you
Oh, jeepers, Manuela. It doesn't take much FAFSA to be hellish. That form is one of the most convoluted things I've ever seen.
Hope you get through that and then have wonderful success in all your projects! It'll be nice to see what you've been up to when you can get back to blogging. 🙂
Sounds like you do need a break! Have fun and get lots done.
Have a lovely break Manuela! I'm thinking I need one soon as well.
Enjoy your projects and we'll see you upon your return!
Don't work too hard! Enjoy the processes though~ I always enjoy visiting here!
Good luck with all of your chores. Sounds like you have a lot going on. Enjoy your time of from blogging. See you soon.
Good luck Manuela! Been there done that!! Looking forward to when you return. 🙂
the first time FAFSA is the worst, but it remembers all the info, so next year you will just need to update, add your income, = really, it will be easier all the next years.
just remember to keep up with your username and password and the pin number that I think they will send in the mail.
Hi Manuela, it has been a while since I stopped by…your blog is looking so beautiful…I hope you are enjoying spring.
Hi Manuela! Yikes! You do sound busy! I remember doing FAFSA…lots of work! Try not to work too hard during your break!Happy week!…hugs…Debbie
PS…Saladscape Sunday…lol lol!
I hope that you accomplish all of your goals. Looking forward to your next post.
Susan and Bentley
Enjoy your break and I hope you get everything done that you need to. Then you will feel better when you do come back and blog. I'll be back to read it then! Hugs, Cindy S.
Oh my, I'm sending my son to Jr. college! Lol! 🙂 Sounds like you are staying busy!
Been there done that it's alot of work getting them ready for college and then it's over (4yrs.) in the blink of an eye !!!
Your decos look nice, I love how you take next to nothing and spruce it up.
Love your red and white vignette!
We're just coming out the other side of FAFSA hell! Actually, I should say my daughter is because she managed to take care of everything herself with the help of her financial aid dept. She was accepted to UC Santa Cruz, will start in the fall as a junior, an Art History major, and found out last week that her aid plus scholarships will cover just about everything! So proud of her for working so hard. Hope your FAFSA experience ends just as well!