Here are a few ideas to help you cultivate your nest:
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I thought this was a great re-use idea for pallets. A table from You can always find these pallets laying around. I’m thinking this would look good under my grape arbor.
How about a way to dress up those concrete blocks you’re using for raised beds. Whimsical Raised Beds via Grow & Resist. They also show how they set up their raised beds.
Isn’t this chive flower vinegar just beautiful! She says it has a slight onion taste and works well in a vinaigrette. Via Jax House.
Some ideas from a catalog called Napa Style that I thought would be easy to knock-off:
Plate hooks! With the right drill bit it would be so easy to do (or you can spend $36 per plate at Napa Style). What a cute idea!
How about this spoon chandelier! This one is $449 at Napa Style
How easy would it be to make these Maple Spindle Servers also via Napa Style. I see cheese boards and cutting boards at the thrift store all the time and just attach some legs that you’ve re-cycled from some thing else (or buy some at a big box store). The short cream one is $149 (cough, cough).
Everything in that catalog is way, way, way beyond my budget but I enjoy looking at it for ideas.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Those are great ideas Manuela. And yes, we could do them for very little money! Great inspiring ideas for a Saturday!
Lovin’ the little servers, too cute:@)
I love these ideas, especially the table. The cheese boards look fun too. I’ve been trying my hand at cement stepping stones and love the idea of colored ceramic. Maybe I’ll try that. Thank you for sharing. Your blog is beautiful. Kathi
Gorgeous inspiration! I’m swooning over the spoon chandelier… thanks for sharing!
Hmmm… excellent ideas that one can make so cheap and they charge so much. I used to receive catalogs just for the purpose of getting ideas. With the high cost of postage, they no longer send them to people who just peruse and don’t purchase. 🙂
When I do want to make a small purchase, I have a favorite “mom and pop” gift store in town where they work so hard to keep the shop going and keep prices down.
I get the same indignation when shopping at grocery stores and specialty shops to see how much they charge for baked goods and pre-made food. Sometimes it is hard to believe as in $18.00 – $24.00 for deviled eggs. At least I can see paying for a very well decorated cake but it doesn’t take much to make deviled eggs.
I was inspired by your polished silver to get out the silver polish and get mine all sparkly again. It came at just the time I wanted to make a change on the buffet… love the way it looks. I will put a pic of it on my blog soon.
My favorite is the plate hooks. I will have to check out the site to see how you drill through plates like that. I’m sure you’d need safety goggles for the flying bits of china/glass!
I like those concrete blocks as raised beds. All great ideas that certainly can be done on a DIY budget. Why in the world would a few simple pieces of wood cost $149 and why would anyone pay that much. Ridiculous! I picked up what I thought was a wooden salad spoon at Pottery Barn that turned to be so light, so overpriced and not real wood at all. I could go to an Indian antique store and get the real thing for much less. Hope you are having a good weekend. Tammy
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog…After I leave a comment, I never go back to that post’s comments so I would have missed yours.
I, too, have a rain barrel…just NO RAIN. Haven’t had a drop of moisture since last November. The drought is killing everything here. We can’t afford the water bill if we water too much.
A pail in the shower…? Haven’t thought of that.
Thanks so much…
Love all these images…
Wow, those are some good ideas. Thank you, thank you xoxo Clarice
Those are all great ideas! I love the china saucer hook ones especially and the cutting boards on spindles! Do people really pay those prices?!?! The silver spoon chandelier is so gorgeous, I want to make that one.
Hugs, Cindy
Very luverly, Manuela! I hope you can come to my party.
be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
Thanks so much for the shout out! Glad you liked the raised beds! I love the chandelier!
some great ideas there. love the little cheeseboards.
Love the little stool and chandelier.. I bet with a little scouting and elbow grease you could make most of this beautiful decorations. Now I’ve got myself thinking about how to drill a hole into a plate without it breaking..hmmm???
I think the pallet table is a great idea for outdoors! Now I just need to pick some up. The concrete block garden made me smile. Hubby built a raised bed from blocks this spring for the strawberries. He already plans to plant the holes with flowers next year:>)
Wow, thanks for posting my picture!