Hi everyone! I’m just popping in for a quick post today. My husband is having some emergency dental work done and I’m in between car trips. What a crazy day! I had some time to kill so I went to the thrift store (where else!). But I’m glad I did!
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Most of you know I collect red transferware. I have a lot of plates but I only have 3 cups. So what do I see at the thriftstore….
Cups!! they were only 35 cents each! I think I squealed when I saw them. There were 6 but I only took 4 and left 2 for some other lucky person.
I also got two brand new Bonne Maman jars for when I try to make some jelly this summer and also 3 new Ball Jars
and this…
What is it? I know I’ve seen them somewhere – something electrical – conduit cover… something like that? Anyway, it looked neat. Like a little cloche.
This white embossed creamer – it’s Royal Stafford. Love it! That’ll go in my black cabinet.
Not bad for 15 minutes! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a great week ahead. I’ll be back tomorrow!
Ooooh I’m jealous. You always find good stuff. It’s real nice Manuela. I did a post on purses.:) Take care and have a great Monday.
I also collect red transferware – and I’m starting on some blue pieces for my kitchen. You got a DEAL girl – a great deal!
Good luck to your hubby.
[email protected]
That white embossed creamer is a great find. I love the red transferware I have a few of it.
Went to classy flea yesterday and the parson chairs my mother found on Tuesday sold on Sat afternoon. Sad as she was going to buy them for me. I did find an old window for $3.50 and was happy as I always see them for $40.00.
Such lovely things! I agree, you do always find great stuff! lol I hope you husband is feeling ok now after the dental work. Have a wonderful week Manuela!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Great thrift store finds!
Praying that all goes well for you hubby!
Ohhh you were lucky. I too like red transferware.
Love the cups and what a bargain! I’m looking for some to make candles out of – wish I could have been the lucky one to pick up the remaining two!
Thirty-five cents? That’s just nuts. LOL!
Hope that your hubby gets everything straightened around…nothing worse than needing emergency dental care.
You are too sweet to think to leave two for some other lucky person. 🙂
Oh, you’ve done it again! Found such treasures. Isn’t it fun to find missing pieces and add them to your collection? I love the white pitcher and your transferware is always gorgeous. So nice you found each of the wonderful things in one stop. And in such a short time. Take good care of your hubby while he recuperates. ~Adrienne~
What great buys on those cups!! I love Bonne Maman jelly. I buy it and save the jars. They are great to fill with buttons, paper clips etc….
What a fantastic and quick deal!!!!
It always pays to stop off when you have a hunch!!!
Hope your Hubby is on the mend!!
Have a Blessed WEEK!
I am going to have to unpack my transferware and enjoy it!!
GIRL! You always just happen upon the best treasures! Had there been anything like that here, it would’ve gone for probably $5 each.
I went to an antique mall yesterday (trust me, I didn’t think So Cal had any!) and do you think there was a single solitary piece of red or pink transfer? Nope! A cloche? Nope. I did find a cute little quilt though, so the day was not a total waste.
I think I need to move to GA!!!!!!
Hope hubby does well!! Hugs. Karen
BEAUTIFUL finds Manuela! That is one FANTASTIC thrift store you have there!
Great finds! I have cups just like those! Love that little creamer…it has great lines!
Alright, I am excited for you. Those are great finds!!
Score, yet again for Manuela! YAY! I have to say I really love the green glass thing a ma bob! It is a great find perfect for on the porch this summer!
wow, great finds at the thrift store!
Great finds, Manuela!
great finds, Manuela..and I do believe you did it in record time!
Have a happy week!
If you could have heard me when I saw that first picture!!! Oh my lands, girl, did you ever find a great deal!!! Wahoo! Congrats!
The fav. of mine might be the cream pitcher, but the red transferware is a close second.
Oh Kewl! I am coming to Hotlanta for thrift store shopping.
These are lovely. I can never find anything like this without paying an arm and a leg.
Yes I like the other version of S&S as well. I got DVD in a set along with the Remains Of The Day.
Miss Potter comes on in about 10 minutes. I watch it over and over again as well.
I collect Red Transferware, but I’m a new collector so I have very little at this time. I can’t wait for garage sale season!
Oh yes, I just saw those electrical things in a magazine a few months ago. I think they are electrical conductors, or transformers. I think will probably end up to be pretty valueable.
Love your red transferware. Good day thrifting I’d say. . . you lucky lady you!
Wow — can I come thrifting with you?!! 🙂 LOL What great finds — love the little cloche item!
What a great deal on those cups! And that cloche thingy is really cool. Great finds!!!
GREAT stuff. Good job. You’re so nice to leave some for another fortunate person. Mimi
Wow, you scored! I went thrifting today too, and came home empty handed. That doesn’t happen very often, but I was disappointed.
WOW! You are fast, and got some great deals! That’s real power shopping. laurie
Whoa, you have self-control, I would have snatched all 6 and dance to the cash register xoxox Clarice
wow. you just are so lucky to find these great finds. Lucky girl.. mishelle
What a great deal you got! Lucky you. I finished your piece this weekend and will have it in the mail soon. Take care.
Love Amanda
Oh, I love it! Now go back and get the cups and let me be that lucky person! Love the jars! I love Smuckers Strawberry Perserves, I started keeping them, for I hope to do a lot of figs perserves and pear perserves. I would love to make blueberry syrup, anyone know how? My four plum trees died, hubby cut them back too far! Had them for years, and the plums were big as a golf ball. I think I have a creamer similar, I need go look and see if its marked.
The bell looks like the old ones they used to wrap the wire on, on the telephone poles. The oldest I think are a blue-green color. Hope Hubby doing good, if he needs to go back to the denist, think of me, I will send you shipping in a heart beat!
I love your red transferware collection Manuela, it is so beautiful. Hope you hubby is feeling better.
You do find the BEST deals! I am a thrift store gal myself. Those are great finds! I poked around more on your blog and just love all of your ‘makeovers’ on the ‘treasures’ you score.
Beautiful finds! I know it will look great in your gorgeous kitchen!
Not bad for 15 minutes! I think we all need to do that more often! Love your finds!
Looks like a very productive 15 mins.
Can I go shopping with you, pretty please! What great finds!
Oh gosh I hope hubby is ok….. yikes….. the dentist is no fun…… you left two…… oh my… I don’t think….. no I KNOW I wouldn’t be thinking of others if I saw those…..
Great finds! Your ts makes me want to visit Atlanta, lol. Hmm, maybe I could say the trip was for the aquarium–that’s it, that’s the ticket. 😉
Wow! You were in the right place at the right time. Great finds!
Great finds! My kind of shopping.
Dear Manuela,
What wonderful finds!!! I am so happy found such pretty things! Your home is so lovely, and I have enjoyed catching up on your posts. Your Valentine tree is so sweet! That is a wonderful idea! You are so creative!
Oh, your doggie is just adorable. Thank you for all you share!
Love, Paula
How big is the glass thingie? Could it possibly be a smoke spreader for an oil lamp?
Love your finds!