Do you tend to forget to pay your bills on time? Then you’re probably losing a lot of money to late fees, plus experiencing a lot of stress whenever you realize a bill is late! This can all be a thing of the past if you use a Printable Bill Payments Calendar to organize your bill due dates. The calendar is a handy (and pretty) reminder of everything that’s due in a whole month, and includes places to check off when you’ve paid a bill. I suggest printing it out to tack up near your desk, so you’ll always be able to glance at it and remember if something needs to be paid.
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1 printable bill payments calendar in the following format:
– 1 letter size (11 x 8.5″) PDF
This is NOT an editable printable. This is made to be printed, then written on with pen or pencil.
Tiffany –
Very helpful printable! After having to pay late fees on bills a few times, I realized I needed some sort of system to remember bill due dates. This is exactly what I needed! Plus, it’s pretty!