I thought I’d post about the system I use to keep my magazine articles and inspiration pages. I’ve been using it for a while now and it’s working well for me.
What do you do with all those magazine articles and pictures that inspire you that you tear out and want to keep for future reference?
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I organize my magazine clippings/articles into labeled file folders. That way when I need to look for something I don’t have to sift through a stack of magazine clippings! I have folders for fall decorating ideas, general homekeeping, garden inspiration, bedroom ideas, kitchen ideas, vignette ideas and so on.
So when I’m looking for fall decorating ideas – I pull out the “Fall Decorating Ideas” file.
I keep my currently read magazines in the front, also a small pair of scissors for just cutting out stuff. I keep the bin on my nightstand because I usually look at magazines before I go to bed. I’m usually too sleepy to read a book – all I can manage is to look at pretty pictures for about 10-15 minutes and then I’m out like a light! Books are for during the day when I can concentrate on what I’m reading.
I bought that toile bin last year at TJ Maxx and you certainly don’t need one to organize your magazine clippings this way. You could use a large accordion file even, you could use a cloth bag, you could use a box (you can wrap the outside with scrapbook paper, wallpaper or gift wrap paper, stickers, use your creativity!)
Nor do you need toile file folders! But pretty file folders are very inexpensive these days and I find that it makes keeping things organize just a bit more enjoyable.
Manuela, you’ve just given me the idea I needed! Magazines at bedtime. I’m usually too sleepy to read but need a bit of something to do to unwind, too. What a great plan! ~Adrienne~
Great Idea I’ll need to get one of these. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful idea.
Have a lovely week, Paula
How pretty!!! This is my plan when I unpack my BOXES of magazines I just couldn’t throw away. I love your pretty files and box, by the bed is a lovely idea too! (if I try a juicy book at bedtime, I will stay awake to read and skip sleeping:)
I’m afraid I’m guilty of not being able to throw away magazines. Must try your method to reduce some of the clutter in the closets around here!! Sally
I love this system of yours! I have mine in 2/3 big folders, not seperated. I am going to take an afternoon now and sort them out!
You are right that the toile makes it SO much more beautiful. Mine sit in my dusty manila folders….ugh!
I love this idea and really need to implement it as I have too many magazines to go through and this is so much simpler!
Your file folders are lovely. I’ve been able to find cute ones at Wal*Mart and Target even. They are not much more than the plain ones sometimes and they are cheery to look at and use too.
Oooh, I love that idea! I’m constantly cutting out magazine articles, but putting ’em in my family binder isn’t quite working out; I tend to forget the articles are there! But this? No, this is a great idea.
I love your banner the way it is. It is warm and inviting.
I love the magazine filing idea. I am VBS craft czar (DH fondly dubbed me that name.) and I have the need to cull down craft magazines and craft blog articles I have collected over the years. I was thinking the other day that I need to start tearing out some favorite articles and get rid of the clutter. I just need a better idea of storage. I like using notebooks as well. And b/c we go to a big church and we have a #2 and #3 czar in case I get hit by a truck, that note book and a copy of that note book awways comes in handy. But a note but is not as handy or all conclusive as a nice pretty bin. 😀 And I can always pull out and make copies to put in a notebook and refile to the bin.
Sorry, last post, I started typing what as I was pondering/thinking.
Great idea, thanks!
I like the idea of having magazines by the side of the bed. I have Martha’s magazines and they are so beautiful I can’t throw them away and I always go back to them for something or other. I’m going to pick myself a pretty box and set it next to my bed for future use. Thx for the hints. Have a great week.
You’ve been busy! 🙂 I have too and haven’t been able to peruse my favorite blogs in a few days and I see all sorts of things you’ve done!
I like your clippings idea and love the file folder. I do something similar, but my clippings get taped into my journal. Recipes get saved in my recipe binders, but pretty decorating pictures and things I generally like go into my journal to make me happy while I write. 🙂
One of my FAVORITE things to do though, is to find the pages I intend to tear out and clip and collect them for taping into the journal later. It is such a peaceful, dreamy thing for me to do…
I notice that you and I seem to have the exact same color green walls in our kitchens!
I also love your Friendly Village plates. I have some similar dessert plates that my mom picked up for me at an antique store a few years ago.
Hi Manuela! This is a great post! I love your beautiful box and pretty folders. It’s a great idea to have this on your nightstand. Good to remember. Hope to see you again next Monday!
It’s always good to hear ideas of organizing. Thanks for sharing them and for visiting my blog today.
I also love magazines, especially decorating ones, and am always tearing pages out of them. I’ll have to get me some pretty folders to organize with. I used to put the pages in photo albums (I have 5 albums), but it’s kind of a pain to do so your idea would be easier and less time consuming. I love your folders and box!
I wish I were you…… you are so organized…..I am not….. I want to be….. but alas…. it hasn’t happened….
Someday you will inspire me to be so I am just sure of it…
LOVE it! Great idea…I have a pile of torn out pages…now I have something to do with them. Thanks for sharing and thanks for dropping in on my blog!!
I keep all of my clippings in one folder. I should really categorize them. Maybe if I had some of those pretty folders, it would help.
Thanks for the tip, its a great idea. I have been wanting to cover some boxes in cloth. I blue toile for my weaving studio, and plan to do a day bed so it can be for sevearal thing. I love the red toile!! The family room is remolding stage. Maybe I can sneak it there or on my rocking chair on the porch.
Great Idea Manuela! I too read mine before bed and they put me out like a light also.Jamie
What a wonderful way to organize your magazines and the box is so pretty, too!
That’s a great idea! Thanks for the tip.
Fabulous idea. I have little stashes here and there and really need to organize them. And of course everything is better in toile. Mimi
I only save photos of pretty rooms so I keep them in clear page protectors in binders. Every once in a while I flip through all my favorites and enjoy them again:>)
I do something similar just not by my bed. It’s in the top drawer of my desk cabinet, but this would make more sense since I read magazines in bed at night.
Love this idea. I would have to keep a notebook in the front of mine too because I am constantly jotting down ideas.
Great Idea! You were an inspiration to me! You helped me get rid of a big stack of magazines. I don’t have fancy folders yet but I am working on it. Thank you! Hope you don’t mind I’m going to link this post on my blog. Thanks!
Hi Manuela, so glad you are back. On your old blog, you did a post about your household binder. Can you re-post that to this blog? I want to put together a household binder and remember how great your post was.
Thanks in advance.