I saw a Mary Englebreit illustration recently that said – “Your Home is Your Canvas Make Something Of It”. Love that! Anyway, that made me realize that one of the tools that I use to make the most of my home is my home management binder because it helps me keep everything running smoothly!
Actually it’s my Home Notebook and it holds information that I need/want at my fingertips. It also gives everyone in my home one place to look for certain things.
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To make it fun decorate the outside of your household notebook/binder:
It’s just a plain 3 ring binder that I had to put my spin on! My daughter likes to say I “cute things up” LOL! You can just slip a piece of scrapbook paper under the plastic or go crazy! Of course, you don’t have to do anything to your binder. I always try to make ordinary things just a bit pretty if I can, cause that’s just me .

Make dividers to separate your categories:
I had to add scrapbook paper to my dividers (a fun activity to do while watching a movie). I do a lot of things while watching movies! Use categories that make sense for you and your family. Your Notebook will be different from my Notebook.

Choose categories for your household notebook that have meaning for your family:
Emergency/Frequently used phone numbers is a good category to begin with. I also think a good thing to have at the beginning of your planner is some sort of Mission Statement for your family. Check out How To Write A Family Mission Statement.
Maybe you have young children that are involved in after school activities and you need a place to keep their schedules and info. My daughter is finished with high school but I used to keep contact info for her teachers, counselors, principle, class list, lunch menu, field trip info etc plus anything important that I needed to keep like permission slips. Maybe you want to keep a calendar with appointments on it. I use a separate calendar on my desk for that. Whatever works for you!

Maybe your Home Notebook is also where you’d like to keep your budget and finance info (I have a separate binder for that). How about medical info that you need to access quickly in case of emergency. We used to keep a list of my MIL’s medications as we would need that info whenever she was taken to the ER.

So a household management binder, home notebook, family binder, whatever you want to call, can be as much or as little as you want it or need it to be.
You may also be interested in: How to Make a Budget Binder
Such a great idea! I need to make one too 'cause it would be so nice to have all my info in one place. You have given me another thing to put on my long list of projects!
That's cool! I have a notebook for Christmas and never thought of having one for my house! Thanks for the links for the pages!
Lots of great ideas! I have a household binder but I really need to work on it. I just finished all my recipe binders so I think I ran out of steam after that. I'm feeling more motivated now.
I adore my household planner from FlyLady, but I confess to using much of Alison's graphics from Brocante Home, too. Yours is toiley wonderful!
Very "cutened up"! I currently use separate binders for finance, medical, recipes, garden, etc.
I have been thinking about something like this for the projects I want to get done, with measurement, colors etc so it will be at my fingertips.
A house one is a great idea.
I have a planner for the kids for school…but never thought of making one for home! What a great idea! Love it!
Hi Manuela
I love your organizational skills. I have a Household Magic Notebook where I keep all of the same types of info. One thing that I started doing last year was to create an excel spreadsheet for my shopping list. I went isle by isle of my favorite supermarket and created a list based on my usually shopping and added things as I need them. Now I just pull out a new sheet every week and anyone can highlight items that are needed. I then finalize the list base on my menu for the week.
So love you blog and all of your great tips!
Girl, you're good! You're about as organized as it gets. I just left Betty Jo's blog, Digi Scribbles. She's had to move out of her home (after she was recently widowed) into a small apartment. And she's asking for ways to get her things organized. I'm sending her straight to your blog. And for others, Jayme at Tales Of The Coop Keeper has a daily planner for how she schedules her housekeeping, for anyone who needs help. Helped me! You're an inspiration, Manuela!
That's a great home notebook, Manuela! I love how you prettied it up, too. {I do that, too!} I actually have a binder similar to yours and dividers except I'm going to put mine together for something completely different. I'll have to try working on it while I'm watching television ~ I could probably at least get a start on it that way. It's something I'm looking forward to sharing in a future post.
I love this idea!! I love to make up a menu and and to keep an inventory so this is a great idea to me!! Thanks for sharing!!
This is wonderful, love the inventory of the freezer.
Thank you,
WOW Manuela a stunning home and you are also soooooo organized! The Household Notebook is a great idea. Something else I need to definitely start!
You are so organized, and what a beautiful way to be organized! I miss the ME magazine soooo much! I was so shocked when I got that notice that I would be receiving the MS mag in place of ME! That was a sad day in my life! laurie
Hi Manuela
I love Mary Engelbreit and her magazine is the only one that I've saved too. That saying "your home is your canvas" should be my mission statement.It perfectly describes me and my feelings toward my home.
Love your household planner. You look very organized!
Hugs, Rhondi
Thanks for the info. I've got a binder a lot like that. Also have one that I use for homeschooling. I'm considering doing my menu portion in a yearly format to include the recipes. We'll see if I get it down. LOL
{{HUGS}} Amanda
I like your idea better than mine. I bought a plain binder with a place for a front insert some time ago and did nothing with it. I recently tore out/destroyed pages, etc of lists/to do projects/etc. to start over. I think doing it in a binder like that is better. Thanks for sharing.
Your notebook looks great and seems very organized. Love it. I love scrapbook paper and all that you can do with it.
What a great idea girl..but I would lose it like I do everything else ha ha!! May you have a great day my friend…Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love your notebook idea.. and yours is so pretty… You sure are organised,, maybe I need one to get my life organised…lol..I will give it a try…. have a great week.
Hi Manuela,
I love this idea! I have a home restoration book, but not a household notebook! Okay, I am definitely going to make one of these! 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
I hope you are having a wonderful week! 🙂
Manuela, This is such a great idea, and because it is so pretty and organized I would use it. I have a Pantry/Freezer Challenge going on now because I had 5 frozen chickens in my freezer. I need that freezer inventory.
Love your blog!
I been thinking about my house keeping binder. I really don't use mine, so I'm waiting for inspiration of how I can make into something I will use.
Manuela, what a terrific idea! I'm going to work on putting one of these together.
Excellent post on your Household Notebook! I have something similar, it is in desperate need of updating though!
I keep a binder of all my decorating, gardening, and display ideas- it's a book of all my favorite things! I love how you decorated the cover- I never thought of doing that- and also the idea of using dividers. That would definitely help me keep things organized. Thanks for the inspiration!
We must be kindred spirits. I love this idea and everyone at school knows how I to cutify whatever I get my hands on. I am definitely going to get this project done! You are AWESOME!
I love this! ME is my favorite too! I have all of the magazines. I am so glad I kept them all.
If only I was half as organized as you are! This is a great idea and I have all the scrapbooking paper, etc. to make one.
Thanks for sharing and to the link with the pages.
I need one of those!!! And yours is so cute Manuela. I expected nothing less of you of course – I knew it would be cute!
Love it!
I think it would be a nice idea for me too, to get more organized at home…thanks for sharing!
What a gorgeous, organized planner. I have everything stuffed in drawers and nooks and crannies. What a mess! I am feeling very scattered and disorganized. I must get a handle on things and stick to one path, one project at a time rather than willy nilly all over the place. I have some of Mary Englebreit's magazines. Such a shame that its not available anymore. Loved the mix of crafts and home. Blessings for a beautiful day. 🙂 Tammy
I really love this idea. I am not really an organized person. I try but having everything at my fingertips would be a blessing.
Great Post, Love this idea and have something similar, Im excited to check out the links you provided.
Thanks Again!
Beautiful!! I have a Chore Journal that I use every day, and like you, I have made mine 'pretty' too,lol. I go through magazines and cut out pictures, words, etc. and than glue them on the pages..Why shouldn't our 'book's be pleasing to the eyes as well as our home!
How cute! I love notebooks and planners. I am such a neat freak and I love that your planner is all prettied up.
Hi Manuela,
You definately have a knack for "prettying things up" I adore your home organizer, and it's such a great idea to keep it all in one place! Thanks for sharing! xox
What a smart idea! I like that you make it cute.
what a great idea! Thankyou for going into detail telling us how to set it up. Ill have to go get some paper!
Hi Manuela, Brenda of Cozy Little House recommended your blog to me, and especially this post. I'm in the process of downsizing to a small apartment, sorting through the belongings of my late husband as well as my own, hoping to make life a bit more organized. Thank you so much for sharing your notebook. It's wonderful and I will definitely being creating something like it in the coming days. Now I'm off to explore more of your blog. Have a beautiful day!
Love it! That's my project for this weekend…I need a place to keep all of my life insurance and medical info (in case I get hit by a truck), too, so maybe I'll add that. Thanks!
just found your blog thru mary ann. you are on her blog roll. love mary englebright! i might have to make a trip to barnes. i also love how you cuted up your notebook. i used to use mine religiously, but have gotton out of the habit. io think i may need to revisit my notebook and cute it up! and change some categories too. i'll be coming back to visit often =)
As always you just gave me a great idea. Not this but something that will really work for us.
I sure wish I had done this when the kids were home but even now, it would be a good idea in case…
I miss ME, too. I have heard she is doing a weeklong conference in the spring.
Fabulous! What great ideas and so cute too. You're right, mine WILL look different from yours!
Thank you for showing us this in detail, Manuela! I've heard about these, read about these, wondered about these, but never gotten around to actually making one. I wonder if you could show us what's in the binder you keep regarding finances?
I appreciate you so much!
You've given me the much needed push to get my home binder finished! Thanks for the ideas of adding medical info and the take out food menus!
Your blog looks great! I love your posts and your creativity 🙂
Thank you for sharing your Household Notebook with us (and the links) this is something I REALLY need to get going 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
I love your "Household Notebook." You are so organized and the book is very cute. I do something like this for all my etiquette notebooks that I use for my business. {Otherwise, all the age groups & topics would run together and be very boring}. Of course, my books are not as custe as yours! More inspiration from you…thank you.
Great idea Manuela! Love the way it looks so pretty as well. 🙂
Gorgeously "YOU" my sweet Manuela!! I love the way you add loveliness and flair to everything you do.
P.S. You are being presented the Happy101 blog award…by me…because you my creative friend have a blog that spreads great ideas as well as "happy"! I'm in the process of posting it now, but popped over to grab you URL! x0x
I also miss Mary Englebreit's Home Companion magazine. I own quite a few of `her books and I always enjoy browsing through them because of her illustrations and her decorating ideas.
Your notebook is great idea for busy families.
Wonderful idea, my mother likes to be organized, I have not inherit that 😉 xoxoxox Clarice
Thank you for this post. I had asked several months ago if you share this on your new blog. (I had seen it on your old blog but didn't make one up.)
I just found your blog, and I'm a little late, but I just had to tell you that I loved this post.