Hi everyone! I did a little decorating in my vegetable garden the other day that I wanted to show!
I also wanted to show how I add flowers to my vegetable garden.
I realized that probably no self respecting urban/suburban homesteader decorates their veggie garden and that I’ll probably be downgraded from my lowly wannabe status to…(well nothing is below wannabe is there) to kicked out nothing for doing so…but what can I say.
I found some cute garden signs in my garage and two more at TJ Maxx and they had to go somewhere…right?
I always see cute signs at Goodwill and I never get them because I just don’t have any space in my house but I’ve got a lot of boring fencing. So why not junk spice it up a bit! I can see that whole back fence covered in cute signs and garden things!
Normally I’d plant something in this rusty planter but it has been in incredibly hot (heat indes in the 100’s) here and I think I’d have to come out and water it two or three times a day.
So for now I filled it with some cute cottagey plates.
Do you plant flowers in your vegetable garden?
You should!
Not only will your vegetable garden be more beautiful but quite a few flowers deter pests and invite beneficial insects.
I don’t see any reason why things can’t be functional and pretty at the same time!
I get quite a few questions concerning my use of hay. I use it as a mulch to supress weeds/grass. I prefer to use woodchips since they don’t break down as fast, but I’m all out.
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I had a huge woodchip pile from having all my pine trees chopped down. I used those chips for years! I knew nothing else was mixed in with them since they came from my own trees (our town will deliver woodchips for free but it always has garbage mixed in with it). A bale of hay is cheap and goes a long way. Plus it looks farmyish no?
I really want a rasied bed that will be a cutting garden. That’s on my to do list for fall because summer’s list is booked solid!
Hope you enjoyed this peek into my veggie garden.
Thanks so much for taking the time to drop by today!
I LOVE how you have your flowers mixed into your veggie garden. Also, GREAT idea with the signs. I have a long fence behind my new backyard bed and I think I am going to do the same thing….LOVE it!!! You always show the best~est things!!!!!!
Hope you are having a great week. Try to stay cool. Our pool is helping us with that…lol.♥
It's adorable and I bet it is really pleasant to go out there and do the needed chores that go along with a garden. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Your garden decor is charming! I will have to go outside right now and copy that plate idea – love it. I also really enjoyed seeing your painted and decoupaged books, and I'll email you when I do some! They look great!
Very lovely & there is absolutely no better way to garden than to mix it up a bit. After all – there are no *mono* crops in nature . . . so I say you're in excellent company – Mother Nature herself!
Thanks for sharing!
What a cute and homey garden!! love all the flowers and the signs are such a great touch!! You have such a knack for making things beautiful.
Stop over and enter the Csn stores giveaway! : )
Beautiful Manuela! I love the garden signs and plates on the fence!
Mary Ellen
I love it Manuela- I'll have to look around my garden and see what I can do! I've got some hay in my garden, too.
I got the book!!! I'm so excited, and I can't wait to pore over it! Thank you again so very much! Savannah Style is going to be a favorite for sure! More to come – will blog about it…
Have a wonderful day!
Oh, how I miss "gettin' down and dirty" in a garden. Enjoyed my visit!
I love your veggie garden! Love the idea of plates in the planter. I have sunflowers growing in my veggie garden this year. Your signs are too cute! Everytime I see an outdoor sign I want them too.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Looks like your garden is doing well. I like how you made it cute too.
I love signs and I love them in your garden…and the dishes in the planter..very cute! Come say hi 😀
Why not pretty up your vegetable garden? Yours looks so lovely. I like the signs!
Someday when I am actually home in the spring, I want to create a raised bed cutting garden, too. I want a little area where I won't feel guilty about cutting flowers.
I think your veggie garden, coplete with companion planting, is wonderful and looks just gorgeous with the signs and planter full of dishes..love it!
I once helped build a commericial raised bed garden and appreciate the use of straw..it is really the best..
Your gardens are beautiful. Those are great plants to deter bugs from the veggies. I love the garden art and yes the hay does make it look 'farmy'. Have a great day. Becca
You can use those plates in the gardens.
The Amish all around us use flowers to edge their vegetable gardens. They are so lovely.
Yours is beautiful.
Becky K.
I add decorative touches to my veggie garden too! Signs for plants, an old ladder for my peas to cling onto, and bird houses on the posts.
I like to plant marigolds and nasturtiums in our garden. I just wish it would dry-up & warm-up here so I could work in my garden! 🙂
Hello Manuela! I love the way you've decorated your fence with little signs and other interesting things…makes a plain fence look interesting. I have planted flowers in my veggie garden in the past but this year I just did veggies. With all the water we have sitting on the garden right now from all the storms we've had it's a good thing I didn't bother this year! Eventually I hope to have raised garden beds so I don't have to fight crab grass as much. I love your garden and your artistic touch! Have a wonderful day….Maura 🙂
I love your idea of decorating your fence with garden signs. It adds so much!!! Your garden looks great and planting flowers among the vegetables really adds along with helping to keep the bugs away.
~Eileen :0)
I decorate in my daughter's flower garden! It is fun to decorate and have a spot for all of our favorite pink things that we find at garage sales! Like your gardens, I got the plate idea from you! Thanks, Hope
I like flowers growing along with the vegetables. It probably attracts pollinators, too!
Everything looks so nice. I hope you get a big harvest this year.
I love your veggie garden! I agree, no reson things can't be functional AND beautiful, your garden is certainly both:>)
Like your idea of flowers and decorating your veggie garden. Know what you mean about the watering. Some of my plants were pretty sad looking yesterday by the time I got around to watering them. I have got to get out in the heat this afternoon and I dread going.
I love your garden! It's such fun to see all the neat things you've added. You're so creative and I don't know why anyone would 'demote' you to the bottom of the farming list. Thanks for sharing – you've inspired me. Again!
Yes I do plant flowers along with my veggies! Lavender is a good one to keep deer away!
I love the look of hay. It really gives a farm feel. The signs are cute. I like the yellow daisy, what is it? Linda
I love how you decorated it. I say WHY NOT? Your use of plates outside always makes me smile.
As we get more seasoned in the gardening area, I want to add flowers to the veggie gardens for the exact reasons you stated.
I see there are a few yellow daisies. I mean the one with the dark center, like a black eyed susan. Linda
It all looks great Manuela! I adore the use of the cute signs.
I'm still looking for your new design??? 🙂
Now a china garden, that is the kind garden I could grow 😉 Very charming xoxox Clarice
Love your garden! It is beautiful and I love your decorations! You need to meet my mom and grandmother who feel a garden isn't complete if it isn't decorated!!
I LOVE that you're decorating your garden, Manuela! I would expect nothing less from you—it's perfect!
In all the most wonderful gardens I've ever seen…those that inspire me the most…flowers are mixed in with the vegetables…true cottage garden style!
Have a beautiful day, my friend!
Another wonderful look…yes, I agree that a lot of fence needs a lot of spicing up. Love the look of the hay, too. You'll be starting another decorating trend! Like the plate collection in the basket, too.
I love how you mixed flowers in with your veggies and that you decorated your garden patch! You'll never be downgraded unless they're jealous!
I have nasturtiums in my veggie beds…they are not flowering yet though. They are both edible and good for bug repelling!
Love those plates, Manuela! Looks even better than flowers would. Plus it's far more interesting. If you're worried about decorating your fence, uh, have you seen mine? Minus the rats now, thank goodness.
Manuela, I am always blown away by what you have done on your urban lot! One of these days I want to come tour your yard and gardens. 🙂
I love the decorating and just caught up on your other blog posts and am so excited about your fruit patch! I transplanted 3 blackberry bushes from my old house and 2 made it. I also moved 2 blueberry bushes with me and so far they are thriving. As we moved in March and had so much other stuff to do, my Sweet Girl and I didn't get to plant our normal garden so we only have 2 tomato plants, a couple of squash plants and our herbs. I am inspired by what you have done with your lot though and can't wait for next year!
Love it all! The dishes are much too beautiful to be outside-ha!
I love you garden of veggie and flower. Your dishes in the planter make a sweet statement. I have enjoyed your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Your garden is looking lovely! I love the signs on the fence and yes I think it would look great all covered in signs!
I plant marigolds in all of my raised veggie beds. It seems to keep the bugs, rabbits and deer away. I have done that for years.
One of my raised beds is strictly for a cutting garden. I have tall sunflowers, short sunflowers and zinnias planted right now. I hope to next year plant more flowers, like sweet peas, delphiniums, black eyed susans and daisies.
Your garden is absolutely beautiful! I have containers near my vegtable garden, but none in the ground. For the new house I have BIG garden plans, LOL! 🙂
I really like some of your ideas of sprucing up the garden. I did the same thing this year with alot of my junk…my good junk, and hung a lot of it up on the side of the garden shed. I made the front into and old fashioned general store front and used alotof the old prim antiques that was just sitting around. I am like you, I am out of room every where else. Why not jazz up the garden area. People seem to love it, it gets alot of comments and stares. Love yours, you did a good job. It looks awesome, especially the dishes.
Well, I think it looks"super"ban! 🙂
Very cute. We do plant flowers in our veggie garden…especially the nasturtiums to keep the bugs away.
I think your garden looks very chic farmish if that's possible. I love to put vegtables in with my flowers and my hubby just built me a raised bed planter for vegtables that I'm gonna sneak some wildflower seeds in. I only have so much yard to play in and you gotta work it girl…Blessings, Patty
I put flowers in my veggie garden too and I decorate along my fence. Your signs look very cute. Great idea.
LOVE the signs! I don't have a blank wooden wall by my garden, but I have a pallet compost enclosure and a blank concrete wall.
Sunflowers will be planted this week, God willing.
And remind me the name of the pink flower (after the plate photo). I need those and Cosmos in my garden again.
Nobody is going to be kicking you out of any "club" for this lovely little garden. And mixing flowers and vegetables together has a long history (potager gardening) Here's an article I wrote about that some time ago and something we still do in our own garden. http://www.simplegiftsfarm.com/designapotagergarden.html
Manuela, each one of your pictures is smile-worthy. I love the dishes on the fence and the signs. Sweet touches and so unexpected. Great post!
manuela, i love your garden and the rusty planter and plates. so fun! have a blessed day! decorating diva @ cottageromance.blogspot.com
I love your signs!! You are so creative and I always enjoy looking at your photos. 🙂
Your garden is perfect just the way it is. I LOVE your dishes in the planter. That is a very original idea. Thanks for the lovely pictures. I so enjoy visiting with you.
LOVE your garden – I could be there all day 🙂
All these photos are beautiful. It makes me itch for a larger garden. Mine is still so small, having only moved in last summer.
I love the way you put your china plates into your hanging planter. That is too sweet.
I hope you have a beautiful weekend,
I love all of your flowers and outside decor. You are like my parents…..they hang stuff on their fence too:) Have a great weekend.
What a great veggie garden, Manuela. I love all your decorations. I plant flowers in my veggie garden too (just gives it a nice look).
Hi Manuela,
I know I posted already here but I just wanted to let you know I'm having a 100th post celebration giveaway, if you want to come and join in on the fun! 🙂
Just love those dishes out there!
What a cute garden there! I love the way you mixed the flowers to the veggies! very creative. The signs are cute I should say. The flowers booming are really relaxing to see. I hope I get to have a garden just like yours.