Hi everyone! I took my camera with me to Ikea this week. So for all of you who don’t have a store, or have to travel hours to get to one, or maybe you haven’t been in a while or ever even, here’s a little taste of what it’s all about.
Who else rewards you for using your DEBIT card instead of a CREDIT card? Plus, we started our morning with a very tasty $1.99 breakfast! Eggs, bacon, potatoes and french toast sticks with hot syrup – good and very inexpensive! Of course the Swedish meatballs and Lingonberry sauce is a favorite when we have lunch there.
I’d love to have wall to wall books and that chair was cute and comfy.
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A lot of the white couches you see in blogland are from Ikea (including mine). They have wonderful inexpensive slipcovers for their furniture.
I’m loving that red slipcover! I may just have to get it.
NOT for me!
A pale pink and green chair.
Isn’t this a great idea for displaying family photos? I thought this was a good idea that could be done so easily with so many different subject matters in the frames.
I don’t normally care for modern looking furniture, but I thought these acrylic chairs were very cool!
The reverse of my dining room!
We got the Billy for our bedroom.
Cat and dog beds!
They have lots of good small space organization ideas!
They even have bolts of fabric!
These are throws and chair cushions below. They have lots of pillow covers too!
Mercury Glass candlesticks!
They have so much other stuff that I didn’t take pictures of! Bedding, kids stuff, rugs, plants, lighting etc.
This gave me some ideas of what I’m going to do with my closet.
Well I hope you enjoyed this little peak into IKEA Atlanta. It’s a HUGE store! They have a catalog you can request if you want to see more of what they have to offer.
Thank you so much! I have never been in an IKEA and I had a totally different vision of it! I will certainly be visiting one the next time I am near. Hugs, Cathy
Thanks for the tour Manuela! I have always wanted to visit an Ikea but there are none near where I live. I always hear such great things about it like how great their prices are. Cute things…and a modern up to date feel.
These were such a pleasure to look at! I myself have never been into an IKEA store, there is just not one close to me. I've always wanted to make the trip and these pics definitely make me feel like it would be worth it!
Thanks for the tour. We have an IKEA about 30 mins. from our home and we haven't been yet. We didn't have one where we lived in Florida. Since you posted these pictures, I think I might just have to make a trip.
IKEA is sooooo AWESOME…made my first visit in November and came out with a huge load…went again in Dec. and did the same…it's really a good thing that I don't have one in my town! Hope you are having a FUN weekend.
Thank you for the tour. I never knew Ikea carried so many products.
The prices look good, but I am curious to what the quality of their products are? I love the contemporary look of their things and would seriously consider shopping for furniture there.
I really appreciate you sharing because I have been curious for a while!
I LOVE Ikea. When we lived in CA, I lived less than 10 minutes from Ikea (that was trouble) now that we live in LA our nearest Ikea is 2 1/2 hours away, my husband and I got a sitter one night just to go to Ikea and have a leisurely stroll around! haha, that's my idea of a date night, sad isn't it!
I don't have a lot of modern, but I LOVE Ikea and have bought many fun pieces there. I love those rolling storage drawer carts in your photos- they would work well with the big butcher block top workstation I bought there for my workroom! Great photos- makes me want to go shopping! Thanks for sharing!
What a heavenly walk around my favorite store! Thank you for a quickie Ikea fix!
Hi Manuela. I looked up IKEA and we have one in Sacramento, about 81 miles from here. What a great tour you gave us, lots of fun, fun, and more fun. Thanks. Take care.
I've been to IKEA a few times but it's so big I never can find what I'm looking for.
Liked those dining chair you posted.
Love the eye candy! I have never been in an Ikea but will surely watch for one on the next road trip. Thanks for the tour, Manuela.
A friend took me to Ikea in Cincinnati. I felt like a mouse in a maze…not sure that I liked that. They did have some pretty things and I love their dinner napkins. If I had a kid in college I'd definitely go there to furnish the dorm room. It's okay once in a while, but I like my thrift stores better.
I'm lucky to live right between two IKEAs. Never visit without stopping in for a meatball or two, or three…… So delicious! My daughter (the one with the pear green room) has the Billy Bookcase with the clear glass. She loves it! Have a relaxing Sunday! We just got another 5 inches of snow!
That was a great tour. I am sooo jealous of your IKEA!!! Looks like a great place to shop… And hooray that you are My Manuela… I had looked for you several times.. Thanks for the comment..
Thanks for the tour, Manuela. I would love to have an Ikea close by, but sadly, we don't. Maybe someday.
Thanks for the tour. I would like to snag some butcher block counter top if I ever make my way back to ikea!
Awww I need that store…really! Thanks for sharing~
Thank you for the tour. When my daughter lived in Atlanta she loved Ikea, but I had never been to the store. I didn't realize what I'd been missing! Lots of great ideas.
It is so neat! I have never been to one before but I would love it. I can tell thanks to your great tour and photos.
I'm loving the red slipcover! You must get that. It would be amazing at your home Manuela. 🙂
Thank you!! The closest IKEA is almost 2 yrs away! After seeing all of your great pictures, I am thinking it is worth the trip!
Thanks for the shopping trip! We don't have an IKEA any where near me. Probably just as well. 🙂
Great tour. I do have to drive about an hour and a half to get to one, so I don't go very often. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty
Great! You know I'm going to have to plan a trip to Ikea now, don't you? I have a couple of Ikea arm chairs that I bought years ago. I should see if I can find the name and maybe pick up slipcovers for them {maybe Ektorp?}. I saw a few things that caught my eye in your pictures.
I plan on being over to the Seattle on next week, sugar, and hope to make some good buys! Squeeeeeeeal.
I have never been to an IKEA and your tour gives me incredible insight.
Thank you the tour of IKEA! I want to go to Atlanta this week or next week to IKEA. Actually I want to right now! Thanks for sharing!
I have only been to an Ikea once beofre but love to drool over the website and catalogue! Thanks for the photos!!!
Thank you, Manuela! That was a photo dense post and I know how much work that is. Looks like a place I would love!
Oh, Manuela, thank you for the tour. I have not been to our Ikea since it opened a couple of years ago and now I know I don't want to wait much longer! I think I feel a 'field trip' coming on. So much to see and so much to enjoy! ~Adrienne~
I love this post. Love all the colors in IKEA. Our closest is two hours away in "the city" but it's fun to stop in there upon occasion. Those bolts of fabric are amazing.
Thanks for taking me along w/you! I have never been to an Ikea store and would have to drive 3 hrs to get to the one that is closest to me. I WANT one of those sofas. And maybe the acrylic chairs. And a few bookcases! Stop me now, LOL
Thanks so much, that was really fun! I think it is time for me to venture on over!!
Thank u for the photos. I love that store, I went to IKEA in December, and wished that I could buy more stuff. Unfortunately my wallet was not in tune with me 🙁
Your blog is awesome..
Best Wishes, Mamta
Oh thank you… that was so fun. Bolts of fabric- fantastic!
Thank you for taking us on a tour of IKEA. Although I am aware of the store, we unfortunately don't have one in Boise, Idaho. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am enjoying yours! I love toile and transferware too! Do you live anywhere near Duluth, GA? One of my dearest childhood friends lives there.
Susan and Bentley
Can you believe I have never been to an Ikea store? One of my girlfriends told me about the slipcovered sofas–it's where she bought hers. Love their stuff.
Oh, I just love Ikea! Such great organizational things there. And I recently discovered how cute their fabric by the yard is!
So fun!
wow that was fun!! I've never been to an IKEA I so want to go now.
Thank you for showing me around IKEA! I've never been but always wondered. The closest one is two hours away, and I never knew whether or not it would be worth the trip. I vote "yes"! 🙂
It's a little out of the way, so I tend to forget about it and then find amazing stuff when I go! Thanks for the reminder! (though I think you could probably find great style in a shoebox, you're so amazing!)
Totally wish I had an IKEA near me. I can't wait to see how you incorporate some of these ideas in your home.
I have never been in one, but I know it would be so fun to look around!
that was fun shopping, now i am hungry..lol mishelle.. ps. actually been wanting to go to IKEA but it is an hour i a half away , now i dont need to thanks to u…lol…
Thanks for posting, I had no idea!! I went to their web site, of course I would have to go to Atlanta to visit a store NEAR me! But I am really glad you posted these pictures…..cool place!
I'm drooling Manuela! Our Ikea is 2 hours away and while helping our friends move yesterday, we were making plans to take our annual pilgrimage to Ikea with them. There are a few things that we've been wanting to get but haven't had the time to get there!
When we have children, I'm planning on getting our crib there.
Thanks for posting these pictures!
This is somewhat different from our Ikea in Charlotte. Isn't that funny? I love the fabrics and the room displays. I come home with so many ideas!
Thanks for sharing!
My daughter just got back from a trip to Atlanta Ikea last weekend and came home with lots and lots of goodies. I've never been, but planning a trip in the Spring. After looking at all of that stuff, I can't wait!!
We have an Ikea about an hour and a half form us. I've been there once, didnt realize they had the fabric bolts! I will have to see if daughter wants to take a trip down there some time.
I love IKEA! Thanks for saving me a trip to see whats new!
I enjoyed shopping with ya!
I feel like I finally got to go there, Manuela! Thanks! I'll take that red one too.
Really enjoying your lovely blog. 🙂 I love Ikea, too, although the nearest one is about 3 hours drive away in Sydney!
Thank you so much for this, Manuela! You answered my questions about IKEA and so much more! I haven't been to one of their stores since the 1980's. . . looks pretty cool! I think I may need to make a drive to Charlotte.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
That is awesome! My mom needs slipcovers and I need some pictures to hang in my room! Have to get to IKEA!
You have reminded me how much I LOVE ikea. I really really love that sofa cover (red one) and wish I had it. Unfortunatly I have cushions that have the T edge so I have to custom order one. DRAT?!Lovin your blog!
[email protected]
I always enjoy visiting IKEA even if I don't buy a thing, just love to stroll down the aisles and look for new ideas!
Your post has left me salivating. I heart Ikea and these pictures have left me needing to make a trip there. Our Ikea is three hours away, but that just means I need to make a day trip out of it with some good girl friends.
I have those wall to wall book shelves and I love them! I couldn't believe that they don't have any sets of red dishes. I went the other day hoping to get some!
Ha! I did the same thing on Friday. Love your tour.
Hi Manuela:
I've never been to an Ikea! What a wonderful, detailed posting. It almost makes me feel as if I have been there, at least through the eyes of your camera.
I'm glad to see from other comments that I am not the only IKEA-less reader!
Annie @ The View from 256
Akkkk, you are making me want to run to Ikea xoxoxox Clarice
Great tour of Ikea! Thanks!
Thanks for the virtual tour, I love Ikea so very much!
Thank you for the tour! I so love Ikea – what organizer doesn't? Sadly there isn't an Ikea in St. Louis so I only go when I'm visiting California, New York or Chicago.
Oh, just reading this has me wanting to go back to IKEA again very soon! My sister and I went three times since October, and had a blast every time! I didn't see the mercury candlesticks! It just goes to show you how easy it is to miss something there, IKEA is such a huge store! 🙂 Thanks for showing us a little tour of the store…Hum, I wonder if I could talk my husband into going with me… 🙂
I hope you had a good day! 🙂
I so wish we had an Ikea here! I may have to make a trip to Atlanta one day for a family trip and make sure I stop at Ikea! 🙂
We have no IKEA anywhere near us, and I have never been inside of one, so I really appreciated this little "tour"☺ The prices were incredible!
I am challenging myself to buy nothing this year…. that's right no shopping for an entire year! *gulp* (you can read about it on my blog if you've a mind. Here's the intro post: http://tomatosoupcake.blogspot.com/2010/01/use-it-up-wear-it-out-make-it-do.html And you can access my weekly updates by clicking on the little button on my lefthand sidebar) At any rate, I suppose it's a good thing I don't have an IKEA near me… the less temptation, the better! 😉
Wow! I need an Ikea here! Must. get. catalog.
Fun tour!
Almost every piece of furniture my daughter has in her apartment comes from IKEA! She has the black bedroom set you showed. We took so many trips back and forth with out little Subaru hatch back loaded up with big boxes of things she bought…lol.
She is such a whiz at putting the furniture together that I told her she should hire herself out to do it for others 🙂
Oh my goodness it would not do for me to go to that store. LOL!