Most of us struggle with money. Either we don’t have enough of it for various reasons or we would have enough if we were better managers. Tracking your expenses is part of being a good manager of your families finances.
I made a Budget Binder in an effort to be a better manger of our finances and there are things that are working for me and some things that aren’t. It’s always good to re-evaluate systems since things do change. One thing that didn’t work for me was the monthly budget worksheets I had been using so I made a new one and it has a lovely red & cream toile border around it. I thought some of you might also like it. So below is a link to the Free Printable Monthly Budget Worksheet I made.
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Free Printable Monthly Budget Worksheet
Just click on the link below to print your own budget worksheet.
This is a worksheet to track 3 months at a time. So on the top under INCOME you would list each month and the expected income for the month. Then under expenses you have main categories such as HOUSEHOLD. Which for me would include subcategories such as our Mortgage, our Pest Control (which is every 3 months but I break the expense down monthly) and our monthly Lawn Service for the front yard. Then to the right you would enter the budgeted amount.
At the beginning of the next month you can go back and enter what you really spent (like for groceries you may be under or over). On the bottom you total your Monthly Budgeted and Monthly Spent totals to see how you did.
A Budget Binder will help you track and therefore ( hopefully) keep on top of your finances if you are a paper and pencil kind of person (which I am) or just not techy enough to use online resources.
If you’re new to my blog or if you’ve decided you’d like to set up a budget binder but don’t know how, here’s my post on how I set up mine.
There’s also a list of Free Printable Budgeting Worksheets from lots of other bloggers at the end of that post because we all have different needs when it comes to budgeting.
You may also be interested in: Free Debt Snowball Worksheet
***I am not a financial expert and am just sharing what works for my family.
That is a great resource, thank you, Manuela. I’m a paper and pencil kind of person, too!