Thank you for all the kind comments about my Valentine decorations! My husband came home from being gone all week and really loved them, especially the tree! I have one more Valentine post to do next week and then I’m done (promise)!
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Last week I shared a few thriftstore finds that I altered. Today I’d like to share a few that were perfect just as is. These are all things I bought over the past couple months. The thriftstore (Goodwill) is across the street from the grocery store so I usually stop by at least once a week. I’m not much for going to garage sales since I hate getting up early. There’s practically nothing that I want bad enough to get me up at 5 or 6 am on a Saturday when I can sleep in! But I love thriftstores!
I got a rooster already in a perfect red, a little white soup tureen and a footed planter (although I may end up painting that one). Also…
Perfect black candle stick – it’s nice and tall with good detail -$2.82. Also…
Cute hanging pocket that I’ll use on my front door for the 4th of July, a brand new lantern (remember I’m collecting them for the summer). I saw similar ones at TJ Maxx for $12.99 and this one was $3.23. The little table was $3.53. (I don’t know why their pricing is so weird?) New ones in black are about $12 at Target. There’s a concrete patio that runs under the screened porch that I’m going to finally do something with this summer. All that’s there now is a bench. So I’m starting to collect things I can use for that.
I cleaned up the little tureen and put it with some of my other white dishes in my dining room. It fits perfectly!
I don’t think I’ve ever shown you the few pieces of monogrammed silverware that I have. LOVE them!!
Speaking of monograms (which I love). I made the candle by using a vinyl decal. Just rub it on and you’re done!
I just shopped my house for things to put on top of this cabinet. I used the rooster and candlestick from the thriftstore. I tried the footed planter but it just never looked right no matter what I put in it! The white star is the same one I glittered at Christmas (I had to sand the glitter and mica flakes off) and re-paint it. The little rooster picture is a piece of sample wallpaper boarder that I framed because I tried about 20 different things up there and I didn’t like any of them! I’m not sure that it’s staying but it’s good enough for the time being.
Thanks for taking the time to look at some of my finds and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
I never find great things like that at my Goodwill! I love that red rooster!
Great finds! You must have better second-hand stores than us!
ooh. I love goodwill, but your right their prices are wacky. I got a pretty cheese board and cover for 4.04 and their was a chair there for less! They are wackY!
Really nice things! The one near us just has non plus stuff. I usually end up just moving things around the house or buying new. UGH..
TOO CUTE! Great finds!
xoxo, Emily
I love all your finds. I a rooster at a thrift shop way back I have it on my hearth. It’s a hit or miss around here finding great stuff.
Hi Manuela,
Great finds at Goodwill! We definitely couldn’t go together because we would be fighting over “stuff”! ha ha
Goodwill has been very, very good to me! It is my best friend!
I am always excited to see what other people find there. Please continue to show us your goodies.
You do have a good Goodwill. And across from the grocery store? Excellent. Love you V day tree. The hearts turned out cute. Mimi
You always come up with such wonderful ideas! I whish I had some of your imagination!
I love monogram stuff too. Great idea. mishelle
Love your thrift store finds! I went to the Goodwill close to my home and found a couple of things I may go back and get. I plan on going to another Goodwill and see if something catches my eye.
My Goodwill store is always full of weird stuff that really should be trashed. I bet that if you got up early one weekend to go to yard sales – you would be hooked and never have any need to visit Goodwill..Love your blog and enjoy seeing what you’re up to next. Do you ever sit still? LOL
Love your display! Maybe I am not seeing the potential of things, but I never have any luck at thrift stores. Now, clearance shelves at Marshalls is quite another thing! LOL
What a lovely vignette…I adore the rooster in red! I’ve been adding more red to my home.
You have the most amazing Goodwill store!
I never, ever find such treasures at ours!
What great finds!! Everything looks so incredible! You have a great eye for display 🙂
You’ve given me the thrifing bug…I was content 5 minutes ago.
You put together a great grouping!
Who would have thought of framing a piece of beautiful wallpaper border?
I especially love the red rooster!
Those are some great deals you found there!!! I LOVE your monogrammed silver!!!
I am always inspired to check the Goodwill store, but I never find any great things like ya’ll do! Great job. I think that Patriotic bucket might be a SLaHOME piece from long ago?
I loved looking @ your finds! I enjoy thrifting so much that I don’t care if they’re my purchases or not. Course it does make me itch to hit GW today so I guess that makes you an enabler. ;o)
Thanks for the idea of initialing a candle!
I love the vinyl sticker on the candle. Cute idea.
Awesome finds…i just LOVE the roosters!!!
I love to shop my house. I love to shop my attic and closets, too!
I have seen people blog about the greatest finds from Goodwill and have been wishing they would open one near me. Finally i hear there is one opening in a nearby town. I can’t wait! Your finds are always so wonderfuyl!
I hit our local Goodwill yesterday and came up with some very fun things! I’ll probably post pictures of them today, and then,while my house is empty for the weekend,work on projects! You did good! Love the rooster! And love your tree!
I just wish we had good antique stores like it seems they have back east. GA in particular. I am so jealous of the finds they have back there.
Just love your blog. Period.
H A GR8 D! Karen
Isn’t it time to go into a home decorating business? 😀
Great stuff!! I really like the wallpaper border framed. I bet that could go any where in your home and look wonderful. Sally
What great finds–I especially love that chunky candlestick. Aren’t the prices funny? $2.82, hmm, that sounds like a good number! Time for me to get off the computer because I am going thrifting today! Check out my blog later to see if I found any goodies.
I’m with you, I won’t wake up for garage sales but Iove thrift stores. They can be addicting. Congratulations on your great finds!
Amazing…. the wonderful things you find….. love the rooster….. How sweet that your husband appreciates your creativity……
Have I told you how MUCH it means to me when your stop by and leave me a comment…. it just thrills me so…. I have so much admiration for you..
Glad your hubby is home….. a week is a long time
What great finds!
I never ever shopped Goodwill until I started blogging a year ago. I kept seeing all of the great finds out there and I was convinced. Now I stop in every couple of weeks and I do have to say I’ve come across some pretty neat deals.
I’ve been on the lookout for a soup tureen too but haven’t found one that I like. I’m sure I’ll run across one someday. I’ll just keep shopping Goodwill.
Wow, great finds. You have the touch. Clarice
Very nice finds. You always get lucky. Take care.
Wow! You did good. Great finds at great prices.
Have a great weekend.
Oh, you are SOOO talented ~ I love everything. I am off now to my local Goodwill – LOL!
Hey girl!
Just wanted to say TGIF! and I tagged you in a blog today! Go check it out!
Great display! I love all your valentine decor. Some terrific ideas. Thanks! Jean
I’m loving all of your finds! I need one of these stores across the street from my grocery store (except I’m afraid I’d never have money left for the groceries). You have such a knack for creating pretty vignettes. I always love coming to see what you’ve done. laurie
You do find the best stuff I have ever seen….Love the red rooster…and the tureen…someone out in Ca. just found 2 huge Williams Sonoma white tureens at her local Goodwill for a couple of bucks…I just don’t have that good luck…Have a great weekend…the weather is suppose to be beautiful…..
I love the monogrammed silverware!
WOW You have some fantastic finds there! I love the rooster. I keep saying I need to get to goodwill but never seem to find the time…I hate getting up early also.
I’d say that you scored pretty good!! I LOVE that red chicken ~ lucky you!!
How great! Such wonderful finds, I love the soup tureen. The star looks great with the red rooster. I bought a rooster last night, for my Dad, he has started collecting roosters. Sure was hard to part with it, as I have a kitchen full too. Gosh You get some great deals there! I drove tonight, all by myself, just me. Freedom at last! lol I haven’t gone to town, had Grandchildren everyday!
How did you attach the mirror in your fireplace? I took down my big builder's bathroom mirror & this would be perfect since we can't use our gas fireplace logs anymore since gas is so expensive & also this will keep the chimney draft out of our room.
I wish I had your knack for combining treasures to make such pretty vignettes. I could have all the same stuff as you and it would never look as pretty! Your Valentine’s decorations are soooooo cute too!
Oooh, I love treasure-hunting, er, thrifting. Great finds! I cut some branches today to make my own Valentine tree. Just need to get a piece of floral foam and some pretty scrapbook paper and the piXies and I will have a fun project to look forward to neXt week. ThanX again for the inspiration!
Awesome finds! Isn’t thrift shopping the best?? I adore the white soup tureen especially. ♥
I love your monogramed sliverware!
I’ve noticed lately that the Sal’s Boutique (salvation army) has more old treasures than the Goodwill here in town. We actually have several of both but I think Sal’s is better right now. But nothing beats the estate sales in the Spring!
I’m going to try your candle decal! Thanks for sharing. Blessings… Polly
Manuela! Those are some great thrift store finds! The Rooster is the perfect shade of red!
I kept this post in mind and finally sat down last night with some cereal boxes and got to work on a little Valentine heart tree for my kids. I didn’t have any Valentine themed scrapbook papers so I just used a mismash of what I did have. The kids love it so that’s what matters. Thanks for the cute idea!
Great Finds! I Love the rooster!
I must admit I have difficulty getting upi for yard sales too. Saturday is my only day to sleep in and I find when going to yard sales I can waste a ton of gas and come home nearly empty handed. I will get up for yard sales at churches though. They usually have a good selection and great prices. I have been a thrift store junkie for years. I have quite a few favorite haunts that I hit when I am out and about.