Hi everyone! I’m so glad you liked my colorful bottle brush trees! I know that people who decorate with more traditional colors will want to keep them green but isn’t it fun to know they don’t have to stay that way! Here’s what I did with some of mine.
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I put some of my brown transferware in my china cabinet and added some of the trees. I’m not going to show you everything because there are some Christmas Open House blog parties that I’m participating in and I don’t want you to be sick of my stuff by then! All the photos will enlarge when you click on them.
For the time being, I’ve hung one of my favorite pieces of redwork on the glass door but I’ll probably change it out for a wreath once it gets closer to Christmas.
I’m not done with this cabinet but I did want to get a early jump on some of my Christmas decorating so I don’t have to rush right after Thanksgiving (especially since I’m making so much this year)!
Friday I’ll show you a few things we’ve gotten at Goodwill in the past few weeks (that place is more packed than my local Target these days!). As always, thanks so much for dropping by!
Hi, Manuela! SOOO glad I found your blog! I found you through Holli at her Mama blog–You may just be one of my very favorite new blogs–oh, my! Everything I've seen so far is something I just adore–I'm a vintage-loving girl, and I just love the bottlebrush trees, your beautiful dishes….and I'm been trying to live more frugally lately, so thanks for the inspiration! A one-income family, here, too, and that's getting a bit scary these days, isn't it!
I'm your newest follower, and I'll be back often for more beautiful inspiration!
You are pretty amazning yourself!!
Your china cabinet looks beautiful, adorable, magical, and enchanting.
Love it,
I am so jealous of all your beautiful transferware! The trees are just perfect in there!
Manuela ~ That cabinet looks SO lovely! How very pretty and festive…I love the china!
That is looking so great! I haven't started decorating yet…still trying to get the painting done…
You are so innovative! I just love the little trees but I think the thing that makes me happiest is your red Christmas tree transferware plates…so precious! I might be back to get a peak at those again! 🙂
Hi Manuela, looks pretty spiffy. I wish I had your talents. You are so good at your job. Have a great Thursday.
Manuela, you just made the most precious display with your bottle brushes. Your china cabinet is magazine worthy!
Your china cabinet looks beautiful. Love those little bottle trees!
Love your Christmas in your cabinet. I'm going to try bleaching some bottlebrush trees, but I was going to leave mine white and glitter them. BUT, until this post, I didn't think I needed some red ones. I, also, have the Johnson Bros. Christmas tree dishes, so after seeing yours with the red BB trees, I just think I may have to do a couple of red trees!! Thanks for the inspiration. Sally
What a fabulous idea. The Christmas china cabinet is just way too beautiful. I love it all. Hugs, Marty
Love, love the look of your little trees inside the cups! Great look!
Wow, so pretty. I love the red tree with the red plates.
I like your Christmas tree theme this year. It's very peaceful and reminds me of being outdoors when it first snows and just how lovely it looks.
Looking forward to see your other decorations too.
Oh Manuela! Everything looks just beautiful! I love the little teacup vignettes! great job at making your home lovely!
Have a blessed evening 🙂
I absolutely love this, Manuela!!
So glad I discovered your blog. I am disappointed when I sign in and you haven't posted anything. I so love everything you do.
Just beautiful…where did you get those red plates??? Lovely. I'm going to attempt some white bottlebrush trees to place inside some ball jar cloches for a more rustic look.
I loved your cabinet and the dishes…and those darling trees! That red light on the wall is pretty too~:D
Hi Manuela
I love the red and white china. Can't wait until you show us all your Christmas decorations.
Hugs, Rhondi
So adorable! I really like the red ones next to your red Christmas tree plates!
I have mentally been Christmas decorating my house…soon I might bring out a few boxes to add a touch here and there.
Thank you for sharing your decorating ideas with us!
Beautiful! I am ga-ga over all your adorable bottle brush trees
They really are adorable and festive Manuela. 🙂
It looks great so far! I love how the trees work with your red transferware with the trees on it ~ that worked out great!
Oh you have Friendly Village china too! Isn't it fun to find all the different scenes?
I love the red and white dishes!! And I love how you incorporated your beautiful brush trees! They look so cute mixed in with the china! Can't wait to see the rest! Enjoy your day!
The china cabinet looks so pretty with all your transferware. Have you blogged about the fabric in the background of the cabinet, or is it paper? I've been thinking of doing something like that in mine.
You've done it again! I always love your displays! Have a wonderful rest of the week and Happy Holidays!
How festive and elegant does the cabinet look with the darling trees and that china. Love it!
I do so love your transferware! And your darling little trees look wonderful mixed in there. Great job!
Good morning Manuela! What a beautiful post. I love it. I love the dishes and the trees. Perfect mix. I loved looking at your china hutch and how you displayed everything so beautifully. Wow. I'm so ready for Christmas but have to get through all the company and festivities of Thanksgiving! Which I am looking forward to. Our kids will come home from college and that will be wonderful.
I hope your weekend is wonderful and sweet like you.
I love your dishes and that reminded me that I do have Christmas dishes and that I should get them out and put them in my cabinet! Oh and the trees look great with your dishes.
Just beautiful, sweet lady! It is charming and I would definitely say you have the 'touch.'
Barb ♥
Very pretty! I like the vignette in the cup.
Cute cute cute. Your cabinet and your trees! Luv them!!
Absolutely beautiful!
Hi Manuela
I'm so glad I found your new blog, even if I'm late! I always loved your ideas. Your dishes are beautiful and the bottle brush trees look so darling.
I remember this china cabinet last year at Christmas time. Both vignettes are equally amazing. I'm in love with these new BB trees. Thank you so much for the tutorial below. : )
My favorite is the super red one with lots of ornaments. Good job, Manuela – always an inspiration! And I'm STILL jealous of your Goodwill. Even since I moved, it's still a bust here. Must be a Texas thing.
Lovely! And I am so ready to decorate for Christmas!
Hey, Manuela! It all looks beautiful as usual! I love the way you put the trees in the cups. 🙂
I adore your china cabinet- by the way hi- I'm new! I LOVE your blog- wonderful wonderful! I found you after reading Miss Janice's site!
I just LOVE this display…every bit of it! And, that red work towel is just beautiful.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has started on her decorating. I want to make sure that I'm not rushed.
What a cute china cabinet. I love all of those bottle brush trees. And thanks for the tutorial on how to make those. So cute!
I love the color you dyed those trees, Manuela! They are so fun to look at. I kind of get tired of "traditional" and yearn for more of this. Your cabinet is looking very pretty and ready for family to visit!
Magazine worthy!
The name of the post made me happy before I even saw the photos!
Love the post below too 🙂
Hi Manuela!
You have it set up so pretty!
Those little trees are so darn cute. I love all the ways you are displaying them.
Hi, Manuela!
Love the trees with the china … YUMMY! So nice to be able to "mix it up" (and even though I love the chippy white stuff, I crave some real color and RED is my fav! … or maybe pink … well, green is pretty awesome, too)
Anyhoo … just a quick hug just to let you know that many of us are thankful that YOU returned to blogland and like chatting, sharing and playing with us!
Betty 🙂
Oh I just love your beautiful transferware and those trees tucked in! Now I can't watit to see the rest of it for the holiday party;>)
Beautiful as always Manuela!!!
Your energy and cozy homemaking talents are so wonderful!!!
Such a treat to see what you do next!!
Oh Manuela, love love the cabinet with the dishes and trees, to cute.
Ok you are making me want to do this with my china hutch in the living room. Just that I don't have a place to park the regular stuff that is in it while I put Christmas in it, Help!!
Linda Q