Hi everyone! Hope you are all having a lovely weekend! I had a really nice break and didn’t get to half of the things on my to do list, but that’s o.k. I’m finding that I want to slow down from the daily incessant busyness that used to drive me. Having a blog can lead to having a certain pressure to produce. You need to produce so that you have content to photograph and post about! It can be a good motivating thing and it can be a bad thing. It can motivate you to do projects you would have done anyway or it can drive you to do projects just for the sake of doing a project and having something to blog about. I’m going to try to keep it in the good motivating category. Besides I want to enjoy the process and I find that if I rush to finish something just to have something to post about it takes all the fun out of it for me.
I consider myself a high energy person but I really think that constant activity isn’t good for the soul. I think a lot of people are addicted to busyness. It’s almost like it becomes a badge of honor or a status symbol. I once offered a neighbor of mine a stack of decorating magazines and her reply was oh no, she was too busy to read those types of things. She also has told me that she’s too busy to plant flowers. Maybe she is. I don’t know. I can’t imagine being too busy. I can understand not wanting to, having no interest in it. But we are all at different places in our lives so who knows?
Last week when I was taking a break from blogging, I sat and watched my daughter play a video game and didn’t even think about blogging! Normally I would have watched her and cheered her on for a while and then I’d start to think about blog topics and projects that I’d want to do or had to finish or had to photograph or a post I had to finish writing and what I was going to say etc. At some point my mind would wander to blogging. I don’t want my mind to wander that way. I want to be there 100%, enjoy that moment 100% not 75%. Do you find that happens to you? Do you find yourself thinking about blogging when your mind should really be focused on something/someone else?
I don’t want to be like that. I want to really be in the moment, whatever that moment might be – even if it’s something mundane like washing the dishes or sweeping the floor. To take joy in the simple everyday activities of my life as well as the bigger more spectacular things that happen.To slow down and really enjoy life- real life.
I know that when you read those posts about “how to have a successful blog” (what exactly does that mean anyway – success defined by who), it’s recommended that you post on a consistent schedule and I’ve always tried to post at least 4 days a week. Kudos to those who do it everyday! There’s so much work and time that goes into blogging – I don’t know how they do it.
Anyway, I’ve decided that I’m just going to post now when I really feel like sharing something and when I’m naturally ready to do so. No more rushing to finish something to have it ready for “so and so’s linky party” etc. No posts just because I post 4 days a week and need to post something.
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So there may be a post from me everyday or there may be one once a week, or maybe once a month or maybe two posts a day – who knows LOL! From now on I’m just going to do it when I really feel like it.
I really appreciate that there are so many of you who take time out of your day to stop by and visit with me. That’s something I don’t take for granted! I hope that you’ll continue to do so even if I post sporadically.
How very interesting… ;>
Good for you!
I know exactly what you are talking about Manuela. When I took my break it felt good to not feel the pressure of posting and trying to keep up with all the blogs I love. There was the teeniest little bit of anxiety about not blogging too. I think the longer you have been at this the more pressure there is to write and, especially more pressure to keep up with every commenter. I love to find new blogs and I love to meet new people, but the reality is that it can take over your life and your time and get out of hand. You have to know where to draw the line for your own sanity. I have decided to stop accepting the pressures of blogging and just do what is good for me. I have one more week before I begin a full load of college classes along with my part time job. Blogging will still be there and I will keep up with my closest friends, but my priorities will have to change. I have all my favorites on Google reader so no matter how often you post, I won't miss a single entry:>)
Hey Manuela,
You took the words right out of mouth with this post. Thank you for saying so beautifully exactly what I was feeling this past week. I know, I know I'm on a bloggy break and here I am reading blogs right now. Ha! Well at least I'm only reading a few of my favorites which one of them happens to be yours. I only post 6 times a month and plan to stay with that. That number really works for me. My problem was trying to answer every single comment that was left for me. While I do appreciate them all very much it's just too hard and time comsuming. I had to take a step back and evaluate.
Were off to watch "New Moon". Have a great rest of the weekend and see you soon. ~Melissa 🙂
You obviously make time to garden….that forsythia is incredible. I understand what you are saying about blogging. Will look forward to reading your blog when you do post!
I totally get this!! when it becomes a "pressure " thing all the fun gets sucked right out of it!! I know you will find the right balance for you and we your faithful followers will be happy when we get to see you!!
Have a great weekend Manuela
Good for you!!! I do most of my post on Sunday and schedule them for the week. Some weeks I have a post for everyday and then some weeks I have a few or none. I really use my blog for scrap booking. I write about in on my blog and when I’m ready to scrap a page I can go back to that post and there is my journaling. I really don’t know how people do it; they have to be given something up to blog like that.
Dear Manuela,
I just want you to know that whatever you do is ok with me. I click on your blog everday but I completely understand your need to be present in your daily life. Even though we have never met I look forward to your blog. It feels like I am visiting with a friend who has the same interests as me. I will still check in daily but I completely understand if you are not here that day. Life is meant to live!! Enjoy!!!
sounds like a perfect approach to having a blog with quality content.
the first blog i had, (it's deleted now) was full of "filler" posts for the reasons you listed…feeling like i had to post something..sometimes anything…well, i finally figured out that was not only NOT the kind of blog i wanted, but the kind of blogger i am. i blog only when i have a project i think someone else might find inspiring or if i have a pattern or tutorial i would like to have logged in for future reference. i plan on booking my blog at the end of the year and having all the sewing, crafts and recipes made into a bound book to pass on to my daughter one day. so blogging with that purpose in mind has made me a better blogger, and in turn i think it has given my blog a real purpose for me.
i enjoy your blog and all the inspiration you provide from sharing your projects here…so i will keep following, no matter how often you post..i look for ward to seeing what you come up with next!
You are so right, Manuela! While I'm in the moment when I'm with my family and hold off on blog thoughts. I just recently told myself to not worry if you can't link up a post to a party or get a project done in time. It takes away from the fun of a project {although, I have to admit I haven't been procrastinating as much since I make that project into a post}.
Now, if I have a post already done that I can contribute, I do. And, I only post when I have something to share, not because I should post something.
I totally agree with you. This hobby can take up too much time, and seep into your everyday life. I find myself thinking about the blog, and who has or hasn't commented or why I don't have followers…etc. instead of being with my family 100 percent.
Manuela, I could have written this exact post! It's so in sync with what I've been feeling lately concerning blogging. I found myself at a point where I thought of life in terms of things I could blog about. Instead of being fully present in the moment and enjoying what was happening around me. I have now come to the realization, I don't have the time, energy or desire to build a "successful" blog. I want a successful life instead.
God Bless,
Mary Ellen
Well it looks to me like your were "in the moment" with all your photos of your plants. That's all that matters. Who really wants to post every day? I too try to post when I feel like it. I don't think of it as "having" to post for blogs sake, but as my way of "journaling" so to speak. Some year I'll look back at what I've talked about and think to myself, "Wow, I was really different in my way of thinking." I don't know. I do know, I enjoy blogging and don't feel like I have to post every day. I keep a written journal anyway,so if I don't post online, I write in my journal. Have a great Sunday and I'll still be here to read you whether it's one day a week or 7 days a week. I mean, what are friends for. Take care.
Of course we'll miss you and of course we completely understand. For me, I find it harder to post more often when the kids are around, and when the winter blahs are upon me. But you are right – you have to do what works best for you and your family. And I have no doubt that everything we see here will continue to be about quality and not quantity.
I so agree. I try to post about 3 times a week but it's hard to keep up with all the blogs I follow and comment and try to do projects. I do miss it when I'm gone out of town but I try to live in the moment too and not let it take over everything. Cindy
I understand, although I feel more pressure to visit the blogs of others and to leave comments. I finally gave myself permission to visit whenever I really feel like it, and to only leave a comment when something really spoke to me or delighted me.
I think everyone will look forward to your posts and be pleasantly surprised when you do!
I so know what you mean. I think you have visited my blog, so you know it's about living with "intention" and thats exactly what you just described in you post, and you didn't need to get cancer to recognize it. Good for you.
Great attitude Manuela! I'll be here whenever you're ready to post something! laurie
Hi Manuela- I understand just what you are talking about! I have only been blogging for 5 months, and it has been a learning experience! One thing I decided was to do a post when I actually had something I wanted to talk about, rather than being on a schedule. Also, I follow a lot of blogs and I am realizing I do not have to make a comment all the time. It makes it a lot more fun if I don't pressure myself! So for me, I'll be happy to hear from you whenever you do decide to post- enjoy life!
So well said and I agree with you 100%! As much fun as blogging is and the wonderful people we meet, it can border addicting! I am so happy that you have found that balance! Having balance creates happines 🙂 Love reading your post! Have a great weekend!
I've found you post very interesting Manuela. I have only recently started to blog and I'm trying to find a happy medium. I would have to agree with you that it must be when you feel like it though. I look forward to reading your posts – when and if you feel like posting!
The photos are beautiful,Manuela!
I made the decision to do exactly what you are talking about, at the beginning of the year. I posted a little nostalgia post this past Wednesday. The rest of the week, I did some visiting, but really concentrated on a getaway plan that J and I are working on. That and closet cleaning etc, has kept blogging at a distance this week. I have to say, I had no regrets.:-)
However, this evening, when we were preparing for dinner, I looked over and saw the wooden eggs in a crock bowl and the light was just right, so I reached for my camera and took a couple of photos. One thing led to another and voila, a small blog post for the weekend. I didn't even think about it or prepare or anything like that. I've found this is the sort of post I've done since my decision in January. Just blog if I'm inspired, not because I have to or need to. Oddly enough, I've published more! I just relax, and if inspiration happens, then I blog. I don't think about it as much as I used to and don't feel the pressure. It's working for me.
I haven't been following you long but I have really enjoyed your blog. I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't tell you I was going to miss you and your posts 🙂 I do understand wanting to live in the moment, so go live! I look forward to however often you post 🙂
Thank you, dear friend, for saying exactly what has been on my heart for some time. Over the past year my life and family needs have taken several turns and it seems I've often felt guilty for not doing or finding something to photograph and blog about. I've just cut down to what I can handle. Some weeks it's just one blog in the week and at times there's more than one. Do what your heart tells you to do – slow down and take time to enjoy what's really important in life. Those who are dear to your heart will never be the same as today and you don't want to miss it! Bravo for you.
I had to make a decision if I was going to blog or "be a blogger" when I would get offers about expanding my blog.
There is a fun part of blogging because it makes me look at life from a different perspective and I love sharing that part with others.
When I've found the blog is controlling me, I've had to take a break. Sometimes just a couple of weeks helped and I could get back to chatting and sharing instead of "blogging". 🙂
Manuela, amen, sister! I have found that I can blog about once a week, so that's what I try to do. For me, any more than that causes me to neglect things that need to be done. Just find what works with your schedule and don't worry about it. I always enjoy your blog. Linda
I so agree with you!
My hubby bought me the Artful Blogging magazine when we went on our li'l getaway last month and I was a li'l peeved at the articles on how we are "supposed to blog".
To me blogging is like a journal and there is no right or wrong way!!
Your posts always come across as very real and heartwarming and I've never felt like it was forced at all..always a pleasure!!
I lOVE your Easter post below…I've not done any Easter decor yet but maybe next week I will.
I'll be a regular no matter how much or little you post..I missed you when you quit blogging for a while a while back and was so happy to see you again when you came back!!
I definitely understand! There is so much to enjoy and feeling the pressure to write takes some of the pleasure away. It sounds as if you have found the perfect balance. I hope you continue to enjoy the things you do for you, not because of a post. With spring here I am sure there is so much you would like to accomplish for you!
Manuela: I so admire your desire to both live your life and blog with intention. You are doing what I consider to be successful! I currently check your blog every day and will continue to do so. I love the sincerity, warmth and creativity you exude without ever appearing self-serving. If you ever consider doing an ATL Goodwill tour or an on-site homemaking lesson, sign me up!Destiny
I feel totally relaxed with my blogging style.. it started out as a journal of my life and I am perfectly happy with the outcome. I enjoy learning about things from others and leaving a comment a time or two but I know that everyone is busy and only has so much time. I have decided to enjoy every comment I get and not worry about the ones I didn't.
Good for you. That is successful blogging in anyone's book as far as I'm concerned! Have a restful and lovely Sunday. The photos are beautiful. I LOVE Spring just for the reasons showing in your pics.
I know that with me being a new blogger, I do sometimes feel the pressure to post often. I love blogs. I have been reading them for over 3 yrs. and since I was moving to a new state, I thought it would be fun to start my own blog. I did that for many reasons. One was for me to talk about the things I love whether that be decorating, cooking, or a book that I am reading. Two, it was to let my family keep in touch with our daily lives and three was to meet others and make friends. I have to remind myself that it doesn't matter if 1000 people follow me or 100 but I have to do what I feel is best. Not try and keep up with what everyone else is doing. I sometimes wonder when do these girls get the time to live their lives since they blog so much and do so many projects. I will keep reading you whether you post once a day or once a month. Have a great Sunday.
That is what I have ended up doing as a blogger…just posting when I have something to say, or share. I do post often, but I don't let it overtake my life…I would rather live in the moment with my husband and kids and to enjoy the life I am living with them!
I know I will never have hundreds of followers etc…but that is not why I blog.
Good for you for making blogging fit your life and not making blogging your life!
Yes, I know just what you mean. I've been away from my blog for a couple of weeks now. And I simply don't feel like getting back to it right now because I've got the spring fever so bad! LOL I'm thoroughly enjoying being outside and working in the garden every day before and after work. Only once did it cross my mind to photograph something for my blog but that thought was quickly shunted to the side as I found more weeds to pull or plants to plant. And I'm totally ok with that. I've actually found myself sitting for a few quiet moments in a lawn chair, relaxing and taking in the view of my yard. I can't remember the last time I did that and I'm definitely glad I'm taking the time to do it rather than rushing around trying to get the right shots.
I feel EXACTLY the same as you, and I couldn't agree more!
Although I LOVE blogging, sometimes I feel pressure to do a post, and then I get stressed and am not in the "moment" with whatever else it is I'm doing at that time. And I don't like that feeling either.
Thanks for sharing your feelings, I really appreciate it.
I'll continue to read your blog when you do post…no matter how often it is 🙂
I totally agree. Blogging is one of my hobbies, and hobbies are supposed to be fun. When I feel pressure to post, then that takes the fun out of it for me. I usually post only twice a week, sometimes more if there is something that I feel might be interesting.
For times sake, I follow the blogs that I feel the most connection to. I also can't email back every single comment. It's virtually time impossible although I do appreciate my readers taking the time to comment.
Bottom line, I love blogging but like any other "obsession" there have to be healthy boundaries.
I understand! I don't know how so many ladies keep up with their wonderful projects and blogs. As you can tell by my blog I don't worry too much about posting every day. I do love visiting everyone though. I do spend "alittle too much" time doing that. Enjoy all those moments in your life. They do go by so fast — and you can't go back and redo them.
Great post and I totally agree! Blogging is just a fun thing for me to do since I love decorating and that's why I just do short posts whenever I want to. I hate to not be consistent like some people are, but I have a life to lead so I can't please people I don't even know in real life, ya know?
Oh Manuela, I so hear you and have had the same struggles. I am still tweaking with the blog and finding what is best for me, which changes all the time. It is hard when you are working on a long-term project like I am that you cannot share. You do not want to disappoint your readers, who are who you are creating for in the first place. Do what feels best for you xoxoox Clarice
I enjoy your blog, Manuell, and do understand about being too busy. Hope you can relax and enjoy life. I certainly will continue to check often.
Absolutely, I will read whenever you post, Manuela! And I totally agree. I've let myself live more in the moment of late, and put blogging on the back burner. Still posting. But not trying to exceed expectations.
Manuela you hit the nail on the head as usual. I think this is a problem for all of us. Maybe it's the time of year because I'm feeling the same way and I only post twice a week, but there is a pressure of what is that next post going to be. I had decided that if I don't have a post I'm not going to worry about it. My blog is suppose to be a reflection on what I'm learning, but I've found not everthing I'm learning is blog worthy. Anyway thanks for leading the way and being an inspiration again. Linda
Manuela, I completely agree with you. I'll come and visit if you post a lot or post a little. It's not worth feeling pressured over it. Have a great week!
Good for you Manuela!!! Blogging should be fun and not pressured. I also feel it is important to keep your priorities such as family number one. It reminds me of ice cream 🙂 I would much rather have a really good brand once a year than less expensive brands all the time 🙂 Thanks for your thoughts and I loook forward to your posts 🙂
Have a blessed weekend!
Hello Manuela!
I agree with you 100%!
I just took a break from blogging that spanned a couple months – having both a business blog and a personal blog can be very overwhelming at times {most of the time!} so I just caved in and stopped altogether.
I allowed myself to not be so busy, allowed myself to refresh and focus on other things…and now I'm back and ready to go again!
We have to allow ourselves to have downtime. Our bodies, minds and spirits NEED it – CRAVE it!
I'm glad to be back, and I'm so glad to see that you are still here!
Hi Manuela, I know there are plenty of people who feel the same way you do. My cousin and I chatted about it one point — someone decided to stop blogging because it was taking over their life, but the truth is, we all have control over how much time we spend doing it. When we were in Sri Lanka, I didn't think about it all. On a daily basis, it's like picking up a magazine and enjoying a few pages here and there throughout the day. The photos you have posted are brilliant and beautiful! Nature at its best. Loved all your Easter decorations too. That decoupaged plate with graphic and napkin was so very pretty. I don't get the same results with the decoupage glue we can find over here. Wishing you a week of Easter blessings! Tammy
Sometimes we let blogging take over so I think its always good to take a break from it.
Good for you, Manuela. I knew a long time ago that I would not have a "successful" blog, because I knew I could not give that many hours to doing it. I am not extremely busy, because I want to enjoy life as it quickly passes. Your daughter needs you more than we do. Keep the main thing the main thing. hugs, Cindy S
Sounds like a great plan, very well thought out and articulated. Very insightful.
Laurie S.
As always you seem to bring a topic that is weighting heavy on me to light! I have struggled with this topic so much, how much is enough, how much is too little. Why can't I be like the others.
I can't be the others because I am me, I have a life outside of my blogging, which demands the most of my time. Blogging is my escape, a way to hang out with blogging friends and put a little knowledge out there for others. I can not always be on.
Your post today reaffirms what I have been feeling and my decision to do the same. Not beat myself up to put content out there unless it's content I feel great about. No more schedules!
Thank you dear lady! You are such an inspiration.
Manuela, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love that you share your thoughts so openly and speak your heart. I am new to the blogging thing, I am beginning to understand what's been running through your mind about blogging. I think you have a great philosophy about *when* to blog. I have been butten lately by the pressure bug, but I've decided to blog without pressure and when I feel like it.. be it 3x a day or 2x a week.. whatever floats my boat, LOL. 🙂 I have never gotten involved in any group/McLinky posts for the reason of not wanting to be under pressure. I have thought about joining a few McLinky's but I'm a just simple girl who likes to keep my bloggin' simple. 🙂 I think if you keep it in your head that you should post when *you* feel like it and when it works for *you* – blogging will run smoothly and having the sweet comments and making new friends is just icing on the cake. I read your blog not only because I think you have classy taste in decorating/homemaking, but because your good nature shows through in your writing.. that you open up about your thoughts and write so nicely. Blog when YOU want.. we'll be here and I'll be smiling when I see a post from you tomarrow, next month or next week. Enjoy your pretty blossoms! XO
Hi dear, I was thinking about you this past week. Due to Blogger/Picasa problems and then my laptop getting infected and having to go in the shop, blogging was curtailed. Bob and I were chatting about when you closed your original blog….and then came back, thankfully. I stopped blogging and had almost an entire week away from the computer. It was so enjoyable just doing other creative things and not feeling obligated to post. I ALMOST decided to quit when I could no longer post any pics on Across The Pond thanks to Google screwing up my paid storage. Instead I've opened a new blog and have promised myself I will not become addicted! Three plus years of posts have taken up a huge chunk of time. Like you, I will post when I feel like it and have something interesting to share. Blogging can become an addiction and you explained it well here.
By the way Manuela – I'm off on a big trip in May and will have no computer access for over two weeks – that will be a challenge! Hope you'll stop by to see me here now at A Breath of Fresh Air – http://abreathoffreshair-mary.blogspot.com/
Have a happy week – Mary
Good for you! I think it shows when a blogger is writing something just for the sake of writing something. I would rather read an occasional post that is thoughtful, than posts every day that are just filler.
You are such a sweet person. I am glad you said what you did in this post because I agree, you'll post whenever you feel like to and there should be no pressure that comes with it.
Thank you for sharing 🙂
I love this post!!!! You've expressed my heart exactly. Blogging can quickly take on a life of its own and lately I've been rethinking the whole deal. I really enjoy when real life and flesh and blood people are my mainstay, rather than cyberland. That's not to say I don't enjoy the folks I've met online, but I feel what you expressed in this post so near and dear to my heart.
I used to want a mega blog that would become a business like several of my friends have, but now I'm glad I don't have that because I see that it really does require so much time and energy.
I'm going to link to you on my blog because you've said what I feel, only way better! Thank you so much and I'm more endeared to you than ever after reading this!
Good for you, Manuela! I'll be here whenever you're here. I love seeing what you're up to. . . but I also love reading what you have to say. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
I ditto your thoughts about blogging. At first it was exciting and such a fun learning experience that I let it control my waking and sometimes dreaming thoughts. But I got to the point when I realized that this is for me and no one else. Life goes on if I take a month of…it's a great hobby to pick up and play with when inspired to do so. Thanks for sharing, Manuela!
Excellent post! Your pics and words are a delight. This is an important topic and you've done well to address it.
I hear ya 100%. I was forced to beg off of the blogging when my daugther was born last year. Since then I haven't done very many craft projects or house projects, which is what I was always posting about. I blog only when I have something I really want to post and that is usually once a week and sometimes less and the posts are more about what is going on around me and less about craft projects. My blog is evolving with my stage of life and I've certainly lost followers but it has also been somewhat of a release as I'm not consumed with it anymore. I do it when I can and I still enjoy reading (or skimming) my favorites several times a week but I don't stress myself out about it. Enjoy the journey!
I find myself doing the same thing Manuela! I do have a ton of projects that I plan on working on to blog about, I'm learning that I don't have to have a post for every day of the week. 🙂 I enjoy reading your blog and visit it daily to see what you have been up to. 🙂
Thank you for expressing something that I have thought about quite a bit. If this bloggin deal is for a creative outlet, then it should be just that….but if the measure of it's success is #'s, then I guess I don't qualify….smiles.
Dear Manuela ~
ENJOY this new found freedom! ENJOY blogging and don't let it drive you!! Good for you!
*LOVE* your spring photos! All your blooms are gorgeous and the pics are lovely! 🙂
OH…and I do understand the friend who doesn't have time to plant flowers…I was SO there with four little ones under 7 years old and one nursing and renovations to boot! 🙂 Life is full of seasons.
Enjoy this season!
I have also often said people wear their busyness like a badge of honor. In fact, it always tickles me when you greet someone you haven't seen in a while and what do you both say? "Oh, I've been so busy." or "Oh, we've been keeping busy." Like if you haven't been busy then you're just a nobody living a nobody kind of life.
But I to have been convicted lately of toning it down a bit. I'm also trying to "quiet it down" a bit lately. I think we tend to surround ourselves with noise when what we need is some true quiet. So today I ate my lunch on my back porch with no music, no tv, no hum of the dryer – just the sound of the birds singing. At first it felt a little strange, but then I began to enjoy it.
Hi Manuela, I dont know if you remember me but I was the one who wrote a post back in November about loosing our home. Well, with that came a lot of things, some bad…but some really good. Like enjoying the moment and the small things, learning to just value each other. I like the blogging world so I can get ideas on the home, decorating, budgeting, etc. I do it to recollect our daily life. But I also don't add a lot of photos because, although I love photography, sometimes I'm just inmerse enjoying the moment to think of taking a photo. I guess thats a good thing…I'll keep visiting you 🙂
And that's the way it should be. Whenever we feel like it!
The flowers are just gorgeous! We are so color deprived here…but it will come!
Happy Easter!
Thanks for this post. I am new to blogging and don't know what it is all about. I have started a blog, but only for the joy of it…see I really don't know the rules. Thanks for this post, because it expressed my heart. Still learning about this new venue, but I don't want it to take over…
Do you find that happens to you? Do you find yourself thinking about blogging when your mind should really be focused on something/someone else?
There are times I wake up in the middle of the night and I get an idea for a blog post. What's up with that! lol
It's ironic that I should come here tonight and read this post.
I've been doing a lot of praying actually about taking a break from blogging, or just figuring out stuff about where I want my blog to go, what do I want to put out there.
I totally relate to getting a post up and how it DOES motivate you. My Tuesday and Wednesday posts sure help me get my chores done, especially when I am sharing the before pictures. Gotta have the after pictures done, LOL…
this was a very thought provoking post and one that my spirit needed…thank you precious one for being so real. ((hugs))
Well, don't go away for long…I would miss you, see we all gain from each other…thats what it's all about to me…the sisterhood. 😀
Amen Sister! 🙂 With our moving, etc I have just been TOO BUSY to blog! It had become a pressure and I just let myself off the hook. I totally have enjoyed it and now find myself looking forward to blogging instead of it being a dread.
I have you on my google reader so I'll see that you've posted and come by whether it's once a week or once a month! 🙂
Thank you for your kind comments on my house tour and your answering my question about bill filing!
I already know exactly what you are talking about and I am new here. I am always thinking of something to blog on, taking pictures, thinking of projects to do, doing projects, etc. I am even wanting to get a sewing machine to start sewing some. The list just goes on and on. With warm weather coming back I will also have the yard to keep up and the house. My blogging may slow down, too. I cannot do it everyday.
Oh sweetie post when You want to. We will check back and when you have something rejoice but it is Your life! I find myself through out the day thinking about others blogs I have read and so not 100% in my own life for other reasons than having my own blog. So I have slowed down on reading too many blogs! 🙂 Yours is one of the top of the tops with me I will say though!! Relax and enjoy your family! Anna
I so agree with you! My kids are teens and I swear I blinked and they went from 8 to 15. Now I take care of my mom, have a family, a job and blog, plus..I need to do art and crafts for my sanity. I was driving myself crazy trying to keep up my blog and now I just do a post when I have fun stuff to share or absolutely want to participate in something and I enjoy it so much more! I love all my bloggy friends and enjoy them so much but now they see a happier me! Enjoy! karen….
Good for you, Manuela!
Posting every day can be exhausting. I pretty much post on the weekdays. I also either jot down an idea for a post in my phone or in a draft post for a later time. Sometimes you want to post something but dont have the time to do it. I'd also rather live my life than live my life just to blog about it. Makes total sense. A lot of bloggers feel this way and I think the Google Reader helps to show you when your favorite blog has a new post. It's a lifesaver.
Feeling like you HAVE to do something can certainly take the fun out of things but………..I did miss reading your blog while you were taking a vacation and love to see your projects. Even if you are doing them in a push, they still seem to turn out lovely 🙂
Manuela! I'm saying a hearty Amen! I told my hubby I've been dissatisfied with the frenzy around blogging projects. You either produce or you are not worth visiting. Rather than it being relational based it has turned into something else. I've definitely noticed a change in blogging….not bad but not necessarily healthy. thanks for the post. Appreciate your honesty.
Hope your day is lovely and give yourself an honest hug from me!
Well said. You need to post on a timetable that works for you. No pressure. It should be fun 🙂
I saw today's post reference this post so I had to check it out. I couldn't agree with you more. I think some people really do view busyness as a notch in their belt and that it makes them feel important. I can understand having a full calendar from time to time, that happens. But when people get "busy" then it tells me they're not longer in control of their lives.
I hope you enjoy your break 🙂
I just posted a blog on another site I have that said this too. People are so busy, too busy really. And now Im on the other side with kids grown and I remember those busy days. I wonder, why did I feel that I needed to be always busy. I think some of that is outside pressure from family and society that if we are not then we are lazy butts or not living up to our potential. I no longer want to live that way. And so I blogged about it hoping some of these busy moms would see it and take that message to slow down and enjoy the life you do have.
And I feel the way you do about blogging. I got caught up in a couple of days a week that I HAD to post things……these linky days and such are just too much sometimes. And so now I post what I feel like, when I feel like it. In fact I dont even go to many of the blogs linky pages these days because there are so many on there I cant get thru them anyway. So I just decided not to bother anymore. Real life is more important anyway.
Very good subject and I totally agree with you. I just posted the other day about "doing what I need to do vs. what I want to do". You just can't do everything. I find when I really get into my blog, new pictures, new posts, rearranging and updating my site, adding feed burner, commenting on all those I follow, etc. – I get absolutely nothing else done. It cold be a full time job, without the full time pay. Yes, it's fun, but I just can't put that much time into it unless I discover how to get paid for it. And that's not why I started doing it. So you're right. Stop and smell the roses, enjoy the grandchildren, and create for the joy of it, not because you have to.
Thanks for sharing this.
I know exactlt how you feel dear heart! I have had this on my heart for months now. I do not wish to leave blogging but to keep up with posting and visting and living too, well, it is just not possible.
It easily takes over your life…I do not want to ever lose the friends I have come to know and cherish. I still love to visit and to be inspired by creative folks like yourself! But I have to do it on my time now…Between family obligations, home, yard, life (both the pleasasnt and unpleasant) and well, we only have so many hours in a day right?
I have you on my news feed so will see you when you do write. You do whatever suits you and do not worry about readres! Those you have come to know and trust will always be here!
I think you are so very special…
Have a sweet, sweet Easter Manuela!
I get excited each time I see you've got a new post in my google reader, never realizing the pressure you may be feeling to post.
This is wondering advice/thoughts to keep in mind as I'm putting together my own little bloggity blog. Seems to be a prevalent sentiment among so many these days – I hope I can keep this all in mind when I roll my own blog out.
Thank you for sharing – your beautiful pictures of your home as well as your heartfelt thoughts!
I hear ya girl! Sometimes, I blog a week in advance all at one time and it works great for me.
You must have been reading my mind Manuela…I have been guilty of being overly involved in blogging to the point of not getting other things done. For a few months now I have really not known how to handle this 'boredom' I'm feeling and the "pressure to perform". As you so eloquently stated, we are all coming from different places in our lives and need to blog as is appropriate to our own situations. I am not able, nor do I want to be able, to post every day or several times a week. I have a life, I have a family and I just can't find the time to keep up like others do. So I have also cut back and posted when I have something to say or show while still enjoying blog hopping! Frankly, I think many others feel the same way.
Have a wonderful week!
Oh! This is just the sweeeetest blog! Consider me a new friend!