Modern life can be pretty hectic at times. There’s so much always going on, so much we always need to do. If life is starting to feel a little overwhelming, then you might want to consider simplifying things. Here are 10 Steps You Can Take Towards Simplifying Your Life to get you started!
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Simplifying your life can help improve your life in so many ways! You do have to give some things up, but the peace and happiness you get in return is well worth it!
10 Steps Towards Simplifying Your Life
1. Give Things Away
If you want to live simply, then you’ve got to start by simplifying your belongings! It’s very likely that there are dozens of things in your home and garage that you no longer want/need. Try giving those things away to Goodwill or the Salvation Army or have a yard sale.
2. Simplify Your Time
A simple life can’t also be a crazily busy life. Learn how to simplify your time. Reduce how much you try to accomplish each day, and say no to some activities.
3. Simplify Your Goals
It’s good to have goals. It’s not good to have a dozen big goals that stress you out because it’s taking you forever to accomplish them. Reducing your goals to a few manageable ones will reduce your stress and help you achieve your biggest goal- simplifying your life.
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4. Go Offline
A simple life is one that includes some time enjoying the world outside of your computer or smartphone. Turn the devices off and spend some time outside, with a book, or doing a craft.
5. Multitask Less
While modern society praises those who can juggle a lot all at once, multitasking is actually really stressful. On top of that, studies are finding that multitasking actually makes you less productive! So slow down, simplify, and focus on one thing at a time.
6. Pay Off Debt
If anything complicates life, it’s debt. Not only do you have to walk around with the consistent feeling that your money isn’t really your own (you owe it to your lender), but you also have to deal with the extra bills every month. Pay off your debt and you’ll find yourself simplifying your life, too. The snowball method is a great way to get debt free!
7. Cancel Subscriptions
Do you subscribe to magazines that you no longer enjoy? Or have a digital streaming subscription that you no longer use? Stopping feeling guilty about wasting money on things you might one day maybe look at, and cancel your unwanted subscriptions. The key to a simple life is only keeping things you actually value!
8. Move to a Smaller House
There are pros and cons to living in a big house. If you’re trying to live simply, you may find that the cons are starting to outweigh the pros! Reduce the amount of space you have to decorate, clean, and pay for, and move to a smaller house.
9. Move to a Quieter Neighborhood
It can be hard to enjoy quiet time inside if your neighbors seem to always be throwing a loud party next door. If you find that your neighborhood noise and activity is stressing you out, consider moving somewhere quieter.
10. Buy Less
It doesn’t do you any good to give away a lot of stuff, and then turn around and buy more things. Try to buy mostly what you need, and only a little of what you want but don’t need. The lack of clutter and lack of expenses will help you feel calmer, and will simplify your life.
Are you working on simplifying your life?
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The suggestion to move to a smaller house makes me see red, if one lives in a house that is already cramped and inadequate. Having company and trying to entertain is a nightmare. I gave up trying to entertain my clubs at my house. It’s just impossible.
I would say that everyone has to do what is right for them. We downsized to a smaller house and find that the lower mortgage payment and less upkeep are freeing. If you love entertaining large groups then downsizing to a smaller home may not be for you unless you are able to host these get togethers some where else.