Once again it’s time to show your thriftstore/yardsale treasures. Be sure to visit Rhoda at Southern Hospitality to see more!
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I think I’ll start with what I bought at Hobby Lobby this week since the prices were just as good as going to Goodwill! All the pictures will enlarge if you click on them.
I got all that for under $9!! They had a few aisles that were 90% off and I got the picture for $4 and the iron hinges for 80 cents. I rubbed a little black onto the frame so that it would work with what I already had.
As you can see, I hung it with some other crosses in our hallway.
Then at Goodwill I got these two large shells.
I’ve never decorated with shells until this year and I’m really enjoying it! I hope to find a big piece of coral at the thriftstore one day!
My favorite thing that I did last week was with some spoons I got at the thriftstore! I saw this idea on Suzanne’s blog and she was so helpful in explaining how to do it!
You need some old spoons or knives. If you use spoons you have to pound them flat. Then you use a Steel Letter Stamping Set and hammer away!
I think these are so cute and you don’t have to worry about them disintegrating in the garden. I’m sure these will last a long long time. I already made a couple for a neighbor which he loved so I think these will make great presents for my gardening friends!
I grow herbs in my garden but I always have a few in planter right outside my kitchen for easy access!
I’m going to make some for all the different variety of tomatoes that I’m growing. These were really easy to make and Harbor Freight had THE best price on the stamping set even with shipping included. My local stores wanted to charge almost 4x’s as much!
Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful week!
Your finds are great! I love the garden markers, so cool!
Oh my goodness, I love the plant marker idea so much! So much better than popsicle sticks!
Those plant markers are awesomely cool! I bet you could sell them. :-)They do look so much cuter than my popsicle stick markers!
I love those plant markers, Manuela!
Oooh! Great finds, Manuela! What a wonderful idea on the markers too!
I must get to my Hobby Lobby…ASAP!
Loved your finds, and your blog!
Cute thrifty bargains you got there! But I love, love, love the spoon garden markers! What a great idea!
Have a great week!
Those plant markers are soo cute! What a neat idea. Yep, I bet your gardening buddies will be so happy to recieve them as gifts 🙂
When I saw your name on Rhoda's blinky, I wondered if you got up early to garage sale…. but your town has such great deals, you don't need to.
love those spoons!
Love the spoons! They rock!
What a wonderful and cute idea this is!
That's a good idea with the spoons as garden markers. You always find good stuff. I went the other day to my goodwill store and didn't really see anything I wanted. Probably because I didn't stay long enough. Have a great week.
You are always doing the BEST projects!!!! I know I can always pop in for good advice and fabulous eye candy!!!
I am sending my hUbby to HF to get me a stamp set!!!
I love your plant marker idea! You would have no problem selling those. They also would look cute tied to a package as a little something extra.
Wow!! You find the most incredible things and I love the garden marker idea. Thanks for sharing!
You have some great finds as well as some clever ideas – love the garden markers. Linda
Fun use of spoons, I love it xoxox CLarice
What great treasures! The markers are absolutely a genius idea! Thanks for sharing.
What a neat idea with the stamping set. Never seen one of those. Cute, cute!
Wow! You did good. I did not see any of the framed crosses on the 90% off isle at the HL here, or I would have bought one for sure. Really like yours.
What a fun idea, and perfect for your "tea party" garden!
You always find the neatest things. I love the spoon idea.
Hey Mis Girlie!
I new someone like you and me would find the awesome place named:
GoodWill!!! I have gotten so many sea shells and mason jars and dollhouse miniatures like crazy!
Thanks for posting your wonderful finds!!
I always wondered how they did the names on the metal..now I know! Thank you!
I love those spoon markers. Where did you get the stamps?
Love the cross that you got at Hobby Lobby.
Great treasures and I love the garden markers! I need to do that.
Your wall of crosses is truly beautiful…
And, what can I say about the spoon markers…just so great! I have a drawer full of old spoons…
Oh wow – I'm going to totally steal your idea for making plant markers – genius!
Great finds and those spoon garden markers are FABULOUS!!! I LOVE them!!
Those spoons are absolutely precious! I just love how it looks with the herbs. Who knew it was so easy to do! 🙂
I am loving those spoons!!!! What a great idea! And I've always wanted to do a wall of crosses.
I can already envision tying together a set of these spoons with beautiful ribbon or raffia for the perfect handmade gift. And, of course, I must make a set for my own herb garden which is exploding with so many varieties. Thanks for sharing such a unique idea Manuela. I'm already trying to think of other things you could stamp on.
What great finds! I love the wall of crosses! I especially love your plant markers. What perfect timing. I was just googling ways to make plant markers and so far had not found anything I liked. Until now that is 🙂 Thanks again!
The garden markers are too cute. I think they would be the perfect gift for some of my gardener friends.
AWESOME finds, I hit the hobby lobby clearance too, love it! LOVE the spoons for plant markers, that is soooo neat!
Beautiful finds!
I love the garden spoons! Love them!
Those metal stamps are on my christmas list. Now I know what to use them for! Very cute plant markers.
Manuela you are so cute! Those garden markers are truly awesome! I love coming over to see what you are up to!
I love the framed crosses on the wall and your plant makers are wonderful! I like how they stand out against the green and that they will last.
Oh I love it!!! Your finds are wonderful and those spoons are adorable!!! Nancy
Holy Crows Feet !
I think that is a fab idea !!!!
I want some and I don't really garden !!!! Super Duper – A ++++
Hugs ~ Kammy
LOVE those plant markers Manuela…I am soooo copying!
Now a good reason to collect spoons at garage sales. Adorable!
Those plant markers are so cute! I have got to go to HL and see what they have for 90% off. Love that cross pic!
I LOVE those plant markers – what a wonderful idea! And I love your treasures, too.
OH my gosh I LOVE the spoon plant markers how CUTE…… wonderful..
I love the plant markers. I think I'll make some as Christmas gifts! Inexpensive but looks like it came from a she-she-fa-fa boutique!
I love the garden markers….what a cleaver and great repurposing idea…….!
Manuela, oh, pretty, pretty!! I love the plant markers too…those are awesome!
Great bargains Manuela and I love the plant markers – a great idea and lovely gift.
All your new treasures are great, but I really love the spoon plant markers. What a wonderful idea. I'm assuming you can use the stamp kit for lots of other cool projects!
Super finds! Wish we had a Hobby Lobby. And those plant markers are terrific!
Manuela, I love your cross picture and its addition to your wall. Your stamped markers are just adorable! I always am so inspired when I visit! hugs, Sue
Love, love, love it! What another wonderful idea. I just love your post!
Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training
Oh, those garden markers are adorable! I love them!
Great finds (not that I expect you to have a bad one!)! Our Hobby Lobby has a few great things as well, but I haven't had much time to shop lately. I do LOVE the plant markers. So unique and cute!
Have a wonderful week…I'm trying to catch up with everyone after a week away.
That cross picture turned out really really cool. I love the music behind it. I love the spoon idea! I'll have to remember that!
The plant markers are super wonderful. And so unique! Love it.
I love the cross collection! I have a collection similar to that, but they're spread around the apartment – I like the idea of having them all together in different frames though.
Great ideas. Love the spoons as plant markers. I've never seen that.
Beautiful thrifty bargains. You find the best deals.
I just LOVE those stamped spoon markers ~ too cute! I thought I was clever, using some of my eXtra paint stirring sticks, but they aren't holding up well. ThanX for the great idea.
I love those wonderful plant markers! Thanks for sharing this project!
Hi Manuela! You found some great stuff! And I LOVE those plant markers…so cute! Have a great week!…Debbie
So cool! I am going to do this…I got lots of old regualr spoons from my dads house a week or so ago and I will have to try this out…thanks so much for the tips and a new blog to stalk.
What a great idea on the garden markers. They don't look like they would be so easy to make though. You got some great bargains. laurie
I love that idea!!! It's incredible the things you come up with. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Hi! I have been a follower of your blog and always enjoy my visits here! Love the engraved spoons…so clever!! Thanks for always sharing great posts!
OMG! This is the cutest idea! I love it!
I been out of town hardly at home but just hours for a few days. So I am catching up, you got so many post! May take me a while. lol I love the stamping idea! Now I should have done this! lol I've had plant markers that just wear out! Now this is great! I think hubby may have the stamps, if not I have no problem in getting him to go to Harbor Freight! lol
hi manuela,
i was wondering if the silverware was sterling silver or just any old flatware? i'm going to do this asap! we have a harbor frieght where i live so it's even cheaper than online! 36 piece set for 4.99! no s/h and instant shopping gratification! can't wait to get my set and make some of these!